Couples therapy? Yehuda Levy and Dana Frieder made a splash that shut them down

by time news

Recently, there have been quite a few rumors about a new relationship between the actor Yehuda Levi and the actress and the dancer Dana Friderthis is at the same time as the signing of Frieder’s divorce against the one who is already considered to be her ex-husband, Ariel Pardo. At the time, we caught the actress on her way to the divorce court, and we asked for a comment about the new relationship with Yehuda Levy, but she answered emphatically: “There is no relationship.”

But we can’t be worked on, and two completely innocent photos that the two uploaded succeeded in arousing our curiosity. First, during the afternoon, Frieder uploaded a photo from a facial she had at the famous cosmetician Paula Blick. No more than four hours passed, and a very similar photo from the same clinic with the same beautician popped up on Levy’s Instagram page.

Dana Frieder and Paula Blick (Photo: Instagram screenshot)
Yehuda Levy, Paula Belik (photo: Instagram screenshot)

The different photos that the two posted could have been interpreted completely differently, if it weren’t for the rumor mill that is running around regarding the hot couple. So are these just coincidences or did the two set up couples therapy for themselves? subject to their decision.

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