Covid, 11 possible questions on the virus to be asked to Prime Minister Draghi at a press conference

by time news, as it can sometimes happen, will not be among the newspapers that will have the opportunity to ask questions to the Prime Minister. Here, in writing, is what, according to the editorial staff, should respond

The Prime Minister Mario Draghi On Monday 10 at 18 he will hold a press conference on the latest anti-Covid measures adopted by the government. Health ministers will also speak Roberto Speranza and education Patrizio Bianchi in addition to the coordinator of the Cts Franco Locatelli. this time, as sometimes happens, it will not be among the newspapers that will have the opportunity to ask questions to the head of government. Given that the meeting with the press comes after the escalation of infections, three decrees on Covid and the public debate on returning to school, publish here 11 possible questions to ask the premier.

  1. In this press conference it applies the obligation to wear the Ffp2 bezels. Because it hasn’t been decided also for schools, where are they now mandatory only if there are positive cases?
  2. Given the clear evolution of the pandemic with Omicron, because you weren’t able to arrange a strengthening of measures of health safety in the schools in the two weeks of Christmas holidays? Isn’t this yet another missed opportunity?
  3. The former CTS coordinator, Agostino Miozzo, he told our newspaper that before the Scientific Committee met every day. On the contrary, he was not questioned by the government or onvaccination obligation nor on reopening of schools, while he suggested a different modulation of quarantines. What’s the point of keeping an organism that comes bypassato on the main choices for the benefit of party negotiations?
  4. The last one report dell’Iss indicates to act immediately to reverse the trend and thus avoid new hospitalizations and the overload of hospitals. The notice clearly has the tones of urgency. Why did you ignore them at the moment? Are you going to take them into account with measures in the coming days?
  5. In March, in response to Salvini, he said that “it is desirable to reopen, the decision whether to do so or not depends on the data”. Which scientific evidence or what indications of the experts prompted the government to approve three different Covid decrees in 10 days, despite the evolution of Omicron has long been clear everywhere?
  6. In a newspaper article of which there is no news of denial, she is attributed the sentence or at least the belief that the latest decisions are driven by the fact that “we defend the growing GDP“. There is a threshold of hospitalizations o di deaths beyond which it is no longer acceptable this assumption?
  7. Last July 22 he defined the green pass “A measure with which citizens can continue to carry out activities with the guarantee of finding themselves among people who are not contagious”. Believe that day was wrong or was it badly advised?
  8. In his inauguration speech in February he said, “We are committed to informing citizens with sufficient advance, as far as compatible with the rapid evolution of the pandemic, any change in the rules “. Because from November 25 to today, that is the period in which the contagion exploded again as a result of Omicron, she – president – only attended a press conference on Covid decrees, this, however, convened after 5 days and after various criticisms?
  9. The variante Omicron was announced on November 25, many European countries (fromNetherlands in lockdown alla Denmark which closed cinemas and theaters atIreland who put a curfew) intervened in the first weeks of December with various measures. We, by virtue of an alleged advantage, waited until December 23rd with which we closed the discos and decided on the outdoor masks. He regretted not having taken more appropriate and timely decisions?
  10. The control room of the Ministry of Health has repeatedly suggested changing the color too with 2 parameters over the threshold out of the 3 existing. You never did. Because? So the extent of the emergency is not underestimated?
  11. To anticipate the evolution of the pandemic, one of the tools is the sequencing to measure the extent of the variations. However, this month Italy hit its mark negative record 0.25 percent of processed swabs. He doesn’t think it is a failure e a surrender facing the virus?

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