“Covid, 150 deaths a week. We won’t get rid of it for 3-4 years”

by time news

2023-11-15 23:56:00

“The curve has reached its plateau and we must never forget that there are around 150 deaths per week in Italy from Covid among elderly people with pathologies”

“They are always variants born from the progenitor Omicron and always have a greater diffusion capacity, even if they are more refined, we use this term”. Fabrizio Pregliascovirologist and medical director of Galeazzi in Milan, comments with Affaritaliani.it the spread of the Eris variant of Covid in Italy. “Almost all of us have hybrid immunity because we have been infected, re-infected and vaccinated. So I don’t see particularly serious situations, but in some situations we feel bad. The curve has reached its plateau and we must never forget that there are around 150 deaths per week in Italy from Covid among elderly people with pathologieswho perhaps have not been vaccinated or have not received updated boosters for the Omicron XBB variant”.

Pregliasco’s invitation to the Minister of Health Schillaci is to “strongly relaunch the importance of vaccination, no longer universal, but necessary and stringent in frail and especially frail and elderly subjects“. But when will we be definitively out of the nightmare of Covid? “It will continue with wavelike trends like those of a stone in a pond and for at least another three or four years we will have to deal with Covid and its variants”, concludes Pregliasco.

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