Covid and masks, Andreoni: “Few Ffp2 on public transport, mistake”

by time news

“On the train or on the bus you see few Ffp2 masks and this is a mistake because they protect against Covid, but also, given the high diffusion in this period, against the flu. Yesterday on the Milan-Rome train those wearing the mask were fewer of 10% of passengers. Christmas is just a few days away and my suggestion is to be cautious, especially if you will spend it in close contact with the elderly and frail. At the table there is the maximum risk of transmission, therefore children are advised to make them sit as far away as possible from the elderly. Then, before sitting down, you need to wash your hands and maybe change the air in the room often”. Massimo Andreoni, head of infectious disease at the Tor Vergata Polyclinic in Rome and scientific director of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (Simit) underlines this to Salute.

“Today in hospitals there is a certain stability with respect to the accesses of Covid patients – observes Andreoni – But, I speak of my ward, yesterday we hospitalized a person in intensive care who needed a ‘helmet’ to breathe, whom we got to know so much in past years. The disease will also be less aggressive, but we see fewer people in these conditions, but we do see them. Let’s try to be careful, and I tell the elderly to get the fourth dose as soon as possible”.

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