Covid contracts: inflated prices, irregular conditions, lack of transparency

by time news

2023-09-11 20:12:47

By order of the courts (see here: the South African government has just publicly disclosed the contractual documents relating to the purchase of the COVID-19 vaccine. The text reveals a clause with which the government must accept that the side effects are unknown and may also manifest itself in the long term (see here:

In particular, in section 5.5 of the contract stipulated with Pfizer, we read: “Buyer acknowledges that the vaccine’s long-term effects and effectiveness are not known at this time and there may be adverse effects that are not currently known. Furthermore, to the extent applicable, you acknowledge that the product will not be serialized.

In addition to this, the Politico publication, in an article dated September 5, 2023, entitled “South Africa paid double EU price for COVID vaccines, unredacted contracts reveal“ analyzing the publication of said contracts between the South African government and four COVID-19 vaccine suppliers: Johnson & Johnson (J&J), Pfizer, the Serum Institute of India and Gavi.

“We have been bullied in unfair and undemocratic terms,” said one public health activist. “And you have to ask yourself: did they do it to other countries too?”

The most serious aspects that emerge from the article are the following:

Price Disparity: One of the most serious revelations is the disparity in COVID-19 vaccine prices. South Africa has paid significantly higher prices than the European Union for some vaccines, which has led to a higher cost for the country in purchasing the vaccines needed to fight the pandemic. This raises concerns about equity in vaccine access.
Pharmaceutical Intimidation: Civil society organizations accuse big pharmaceutical companies of behaving in an intimidating manner and of having contracts heavily biased to their advantage. This “pernicious pharmaceutical intimidation” suggests that companies have excessive influence in negotiating contracts and may impose unfavorable terms on purchasing countries.
Restrictions on Exports and Donations: Pharmaceutical companies’ restriction on South Africa’s right to impose vaccine export restrictions and donate them without their consent raises concerns about the country’s sovereignty and its ability to manage vaccine distribution appropriately to address the pandemic.
Lack of Transparency: The secrecy of initial contracts to purchase COVID-19 vaccines has been a matter of concern globally. The article highlights the need for greater transparency in vaccine negotiations and contracts, so that countries can make informed decisions and ensure fair treatment for their citizens.
Global Call to Action: Civil society organizations are calling for global action to address these serious issues. They are trying to arrive at a revision of international health regulations to ensure fairer conditions in future agreements regarding pharmaceutical products, as well as to critically review national pandemic plans.

In summary, the most serious aspects highlighted concern the supine acceptance by governments of the possibility of long-term adverse effects, the implementation of unfair pricing practices, the intimidation by large pharmaceutical companies, the limitation of South Africa’s autonomy in decisions on vaccine exports and donations and the need for greater transparency and the possibility of having a non-demonized debate in the appropriate fora to address these issues.


It is crucial to highlight that what has been disclosed probably reflects a situation that may be common in many European countries, where public authorities have exercised significant abuse of power and committed serious irregularities, as demonstrated by incomplete or evasive responses from those directly responsible.

It remains to be seen how these allegations emerged in South Africa. country at the center of the exodus and rebellion of African countries from France, and generally from Western countries. But beyond this we will now see whether, as I think, all the ambaradan emerged to bring down the current pro-Russian South African government, or the EU will be able to take inspiration from these events to feel part of the issue. I highly doubt that this last hypothesis will come true.

So, perhaps I mean that there is nothing we can do on our part? No, on the contrary. But we need to focus above all on the self and therefore on personal freedom. This will be achieved to the extent that nothing that happens in the world leaves us inattentive or indifferent. Also because in this globalized world, everything immediately has repercussions on us.

#Covid #contracts #inflated #prices #irregular #conditions #lack #transparency

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