Covid Gb, today 3,030 infections and 53 deaths

by time news

Covid Gb, today 3,030 new infections and 53 deaths. This was announced by the daily bulletin of the health authorities, specifying that 31,807,124 people have received a first dose of the anti covid vaccine. Those who have also received the second are, however, 6,091,905.

Weekly deaths from Covid-19 in England and Wales have dropped 92% from the peak of the second wave two months ago. In the week ending March 19, according to data published today by the Office for National Statistics, there were 712 deaths compared to 8,945 in the week ending January 22. For the age group of the over 80s, the figure is respectively 379 and 5,354 deaths, with a decrease of 92.9%. For the age group 75-79 the decrease was 93.4%, for the age group 70-74% of 92.4%, for the age group 65-69 of 90.8, for the age group 60-64 of 83 , 7%.

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