“Covid initial symptoms” Omicron BA.4/BA.5 If these 3 symptoms are found, there is a risk of infection.

by time news

“Early symptoms of COVID” Omicron BA.4/BA.5 How is it? What kind is called infected with covid? Oh Micron this subspecies It started as a question for many people, especially
The current epidemic situation in the country, where most of them are from the covid strain.Omicron BA.4/BA.5 The more symptoms are similar to the common cold. more indistinguishable

Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong, MD. Director-General of the Department of Disease Control said that when symptoms are similar to the flu, which “Omicron” BA.4/BA.5 The highlight is a sore throat, sore throat, runny nose. If you have flu-like symptoms, don’t panic, get ATK checked because it may beinitial symptoms of covid Omicron BA.4/BA.5

Dr Opas said that considering the COVID-19 situation in Thailand, both the number of new patients admitted to the hospital were used. pneumonia patients intubation, deceased, and infected people undergoing outpatient treatment; or Home Isolation

Now found that patients with pneumonia He was intubated and died. Looks slightly increased. Most of them are located in the Bangkok metropolitan area and major provinces. During the past long holiday, we have traveled to other provinces a lot. Therefore, we have to keep track of what the trend will be. For after a long break, emphasize that 2U measures also need to be tightened, including Universal Prevention, personal protection measures, social distancing, wearing masks, frequent hand washing and ATK checks.

As for other departments, if an infected person is found If there are few symptoms, take measures “WFH 7 + 3 days” Yes, by isolating at home for 7 days, after that you can return to work. During the first 3 days, wear a mask all the time. Refrain from eating with others and avoid participating in large-scale activities

While earlier, Dr. Anan Chongkaewwatana, a bio-tech virologist, overall Omicron symptoms of infected patients BA.4/ BA.5 clearer than the infected patients “Omicron” First generation Omicron in all reported symptoms The symptoms found in more than 50% of patients are fatigue, cough, fever, headache, runny nose, respectively. Respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath and dyspnea were found in the group. BA.4/BA.5 as well as gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea was found more in the group BA.4/BA.5

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