Covid Italy, in 12 regions of intensive care above the critical threshold

by time news

In Italy in coronavirus emergency, they are 12 Regions with hospitalizations and intensive care above the critical threshold. This was reported by the draft of the Covid 19 monitoring report of the Higher Institute of Health and Ministry of Health for the period 15-21 March with data updated to 24, which notes an “overall improvement in risk, although still high overall”.

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“The number of Regions / Autonomous Provinces that have an employment rate in intensive care and / or medical areas above the critical threshold remains high – reads the draft of the report (12 Regions / Pa vs 13 in the previous week). ICU employment nationwide is on the rise and above the critical threshold (39% vs 36% last week). The number of people admitted to ICU is still increasing from 3,256 (March 16) to 3,546 (23 The employment rate in medical areas nationwide is also rising and above the critical threshold (43%), with a sharp increase in the number of people admitted to these areas: from 26,098 (March 16) to 28,428 (23 March) “, reports the draft. Ten Regions (Abruzzo, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Lombardy, Marche, Molise, Piedmont, Puglia and Umbria) also show an overload both in intensive care and in the medical area. For the Autonomous Province of Trento and Tuscany, the pressure concerns intensive care.

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