Crosetto, ‘with Toti’s logic magistrates are also arrested’ – Italia-Mondo

by times news cr

2024-05-10 10:18:32

(ANSA) – ROME, MAY 09 – “With the logic used for Toti (who has no personal or private advantage contested) they can arrest almost all the mayors, regional presidents, public managers. I suppose they could also arrest the most magistrates. Preventive detention is not created as a tool of intimidation or to increase the audience of an investigation. This is not the case more than 5 months have passed from the request for precautionary measures to their execution and that, as the Prosecutor himself declared, the verification of the facts dates back to over a year ago”. Thus the Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto on ‘It was the elections,’ was the response. I’m sorry to use this phrase anyway: I predicted it well in advance.” In his long post, the minister states that he knows “perfectly that I should not take a public position on an issue that does not concern me, that this tweet will be criticized and attacked and that I am already quite disliked by part of the judiciary, but I cannot help it less. I write what I would write, on similar facts, if they concerned a CSX Governor and I write it speaking in a personal capacity and not interpreting a position of the Government or of Fdi. Like Guido Crosetto I feel I have to say what I think”. “Toti – he continues – was arrested for corruption. At 3 in the morning while he was in a hotel room. They contested funding for his electoral campaign, duly reported. But obtained, according to them, illegally, in exchange for “favours”. Like : “accelerate” a practice that has been in place for years. I remember similar investigations. The most serious and sensational one concerned Fitto. It seems so to me. having read the public documents and seeing that the prosecutor comes from the same prosecutor who hit Fitto, I would like to point out that it is up to the prosecutor to prove his theses and not to him, because he is innocent. until a court has definitively condemned him. From what I have read in the documents of the Prosecutor’s Office, however, I have the impression that there is little interest in seeking the truth in this matter people can, at any time, without any problem or risk, deprive anyone of their freedom”. (HANDLE).

2024-05-10 10:18:32

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