– “Crown Princess Victoria’s Love for Nature and Tricks to Get Her Children Outdoors” – “Bringing the Outdoors to the Crown Princess Family: Their Successful Tricks Revealed” – “Crown Princess Victoria’s Secret for Getting Her Children Excited About Nature” – “Discover Crown Princess Victoria’s Effective Techniques for Outdoor Family Fun” – “How Crown Princess Victoria Makes Nature Excursions Enjoyable for Her Children”

by time news

Crown Princess Victoria recently embarked on a nature-filled adventure in the forest alongside Swedish Radio’s Mats Ottosson during the program Naturmorgon. During her exploration, Victoria expressed her deep appreciation for the importance of nature in her life.

In addition, the Crown Princess shared her desire to pass on her love for nature to her children. However, she acknowledged that taking her crown princess children on long walks and hikes can sometimes pose certain challenges.

One obstacle the Crown Princess family overcame was the issue of transportation, as sometimes the routes home would make the forest outings less enjoyable for the children. To mitigate this, the family discovered a successful trick that made it much easier to bring Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar on their trips. Their solution? Bringing a tennis ball along.

According to Victoria, “Bring a tennis ball. That is the best way. Then you can play catch and then you get ahead in a completely different way. It’s the best thing we’ve done.” The Crown Princess explained that incorporating this game into their walks not only keeps the children entertained but also helps them progress in a more enjoyable manner.

Describing the game further, Victoria mentioned how they would hit each other with the ball while walking, making the activity fun for the whole family. She also noted that Prince Daniel is skilled at hitting, while Prince Oscar and Princess Estelle excel at running. With self-deprecating humor, Victoria admitted that she is not particularly good at playing catch herself.

Another method employed by the Crown Princess family involves setting a clear destination at a reasonable distance to entice the children out for an adventure. Near Haga, they found a special place that they named “the pancake stone.” This location became a popular spot for the family when the children were younger. They would make up stories and enjoy a delicious serving of pancakes upon arrival.

In other news, the Crown Princess recently delivered an emotional tribute to her father during a speech to the king, bringing tears to Queen Silvia’s eyes. The heartfelt moment was captured on SVT, showcasing the strong bond between Victoria and her parents.

Victoria’s commitment to fostering her children’s love for nature, as well as her dedication to her family, continues to inspire many. Through her adventures in the woods and her heartfelt speeches, she continues to be a beloved figure in Sweden and beyond.

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