Cultural Journalism Award | Lluís Permanyer, National Award for Cultural Journalism 2022 for “his extraordinary career”

by time news

The journalist Lluís Permanyer Lladós has been awarded the National Award for Cultural Journalisml, corresponding to the year 2022, at the proposal of the jury meeting this Friday. The prize, awarded by the Ministry of Culture and Sportis endowed with 20,000 euros.

As reported by the Ministry of Culture, the jury has highlighted “his extraordinary career of more than six decades of historical, artistic, cultural and citizen journalism, in castellano and in catalanin press, radio and television, a figure much appreciated by his readers and the general public”.

The Ministry of Culture and Sport recognizes with this award the journalistic career in the field of culture developed by a Spanish natural person whose activity is dedicated to cultural information whatever the language or languages ​​of the State used in the development of their work.

The department headed by Miquel Iceta has recalled that the award recognized the writer and journalist Guillermo Busutil in its last edition, joining a long list of winners, including Sergio Vila-Sanjuán, Anxo Quintela or Ana Romaní, among others.

Lluís Permanyer Lladós (Barcelona, ​​1939) has a degree in Law from the University of Barcelona and a degree from the Official School of Journalism. He has dedicated his entire professional career, at the newspaper ‘La Vanguardia’ where he joined in 1966, to cultural journalism, specialized in artistic movements and in the history of the city of Barcelona. He has published numerous books and directed and presented some monographic programs on TV3. Over 80 years old, he continues to be present in journalistic and cultural life.

He begins his career in the magazine ‘Destino’in which he announced the Proust Questionnaire as an interview template. He has been awarded successively with the Luca de Tena (1969), Ciutat de Barcelona (1987), Pere Quart prizes for humor and satire, the National Prize for Journalism of Catalonia (2008) and the Career Prize (2012) from the Guild of Booksellers of Barcelona.

Permanyer has written books about painters Joan Miró and Antoni Tapies, the sculptor Antoni Clavéy the poets Josep Maria de Sagarra and Joan Brossa, with whom he has maintained a close personal relationship. He has been a great scholar and disseminator of the landscape of Barcelonaas if it were an open-air architecture and sculpture museum, as well as modernism and the figure of Antonio Gaudí.

The jury, chaired by María José Gálvez Salvador, General Director of Books and Reading Promotion, was formed by: María del Carmen Riera i Guilera (Carme Riera), from the Royal Spanish Academy; Ana Romaní Blanco, for the Real Academia Gallega / Real Academia Galega; Jaume Guillamet Lloveras, for the Instituto de Estudios Catalanes / Institut d’Estudis Catalans; Joan Rafael Ramos Alfajarín, por la Academia Valenciana de la Lengua / Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua; María Ascensión Rivas Hernández, for the Spanish Association of Literary Critics.

Also forming part of the jury were Carles Domènec García Canals, for the Association of Cultural Journalists of Catalonia; Monica Touron Torrado by the Federation of Associations of Journalists of Spain (FAPE); Álvaro San Román Sobrino (Álvaro Sobrino), by the Association of Spanish Cultural Magazines (ARCE); Jorge Clemente Mediavilla, for the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE); Ana Belén Roy Rodríguez de Gaspar, for the Federation of Radio and Television Associations of Spain; Yanna María Gutiérrez Franco, from the Feminist Research Institute of the Complutense University of Madrid; Ferran Bono Ara, for the Ministry of Culture and Sports and Guillermo José Rivera Busutil (Guillermo Busutil), award-winning author in the 2021 call.

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