Customers in New Zealand and Australia Start Receiving iPhone 15 and Apple Watch Series 9: First Impressions and Availability Updates

by time news

Customers in New Zealand and Australia who pre-ordered the latest Apple devices are starting to receive their highly anticipated packages. This includes those who ordered the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Pro, Apple Watch Series 9, Apple Watch Ultra 2, and AirPods Pro with USB-C case.

Excited Apple fans in these countries have taken to social media platforms, such as Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, and the MacRumors forums, to share their first impressions and post photos of their new iPhones. Those who have already received their new devices are encouraged to share their experiences and pictures in the comments section.

Being the first time zone to reach Friday, New Zealand and Australia have the advantage of being the earliest regions where customers can pick up new Apple devices or purchase an iPhone from an Apple Store. The stock availability in Australian stores will provide an insight into what customers can expect in other Apple Stores worldwide.

During the pre-order period, the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max models quickly sold out, causing delays in shipping for orders placed now. Some customers may have to wait until late October or even November to receive their new devices. However, the standard iPhone 15 models are still relatively available.

For those who missed out on pre-orders, the only option to get a new iPhone on launch day is to purchase oneat an Apple Store or other retail locations like Target, Walmart, or Best Buy. However, it is advised to act quickly as popular models such as the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max may be in limited supply and sell out fast.

After New Zealand and Australia, the sales and deliveries of the new iPhone 15 models and Apple Watches will begin in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and finally, North America. Many Apple Stores worldwide will be opening early at around 8:00 a.m. local time to accommodate customers picking up reserved devices or making walk-in purchases.

MacRumors, a reliable source for Apple-related news, will be providing comprehensive coverage of the new devices. Their coverage will include hands-on and unboxing experiences, in-depth reviews of the features, camera comparisons, and more.

Stay tuned to MacRumors for the latest updates on the iPhone 15 and other Apple products.

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