Dakar 2024. Route, dates, program, TV broadcast… Everything you need to know about the long-distance rally-raid

by time news

2024-01-02 08:25:01

It’s go again. Cars, motorcycles, quads and even trucks will be at the big meeting in January in the middle of Saudi Arabia. Indeed, it is in the state of the Arabian Peninsula that the 2024 edition of the Dakar rally will be held. On the program is a new 5,000 kilometer route, a new race format and new broadcaster. Route, dates, program, TV broadcast… Everything you need to know about the long-distance rally-raid.

What are the dates for this Dakar 2024?

This 46th edition will be held from January 5 to 19, 2024 in Saudi Arabia. This Kingdom is hosting the Dakar for the 5th time, which previously took place partly in Europe and mainly in Africa from 1978 to 2008 then in South America from 2009 to 2019.

Unlike the 2023 edition, the start will be given 5 days later because “we didn’t want to touch Christmas; Recently, our teams had to leave their homes on December 23. The schedule was starting to get tight as the departure progressed day by day, year after year. So for 2024, we have decided to take the plunge” said Dakar director David Castera. He also confirmed that the Dakar would take place in Saudi Arabia until 2029: “We will always have Saudi Arabia. But we can add other locations, we are planning to add other countries in the future. »

What is the Dakar route?

For the fifth consecutive time, the Dakar rally will be held in Saudi Arabia. Established in this country on the Arabian Peninsula since 2020, the long rally-raid will leave from AlUla with the prologue then the start of the first stage. A return loop of 5,000 kilometers from east to west will follow, divided into 12 stages with an arrival in Yanbu, on the shores of the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia.

Also note the introduction of a new race format with the “48 hours” on January 11 and 12. The Empty Quarter, one of the largest deserts with the largest uninterrupted expanse of sand in the world, will be the playground for this stage which will impose a stopping time (4 p.m.) on all competitors. The latter will then have to join one of the eight bivouacs spread along the route, before leaving from the same place the next day at 7 a.m.

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The only condition is to be over 18 years old, otherwise everyone can participate in the Dakar. The desire of the Dakar organizers is to have professionals but also amateurs in the same race. It is therefore not necessary to be a rally-raid champion to be able to participate. On the other hand, registration for this long-distance rally-raid costs money. To participate in the motorcycle category, you will have to pay €18,000. For cars and trucks, it will cost €30,000 and €45,000 respectively.

How many drivers are expected during this Dakar 2024?

The drivers and co-drivers of 354 vehicles are expected on this new route. A Dakar 2024 which will also serve as the setting for the first round of the third season of the World Rally Raid Championships (W2RC). At the start of AlUla, we will be able to find 137 motorcycles and 10 quads for the FIM, and according to the new names adopted by the FIA, 72 cars in Ultimate (T1 and T2), 42 in Challenger (T3), 36 in SSV (T4 ) and 46 in Truck (T5, trucks).

Who are the title holders?

During the 2023 edition, victory in the car category went to Qatari Nasser Al-Attiyah and Frenchman Mathieu Baumel on Toyota. Al-Attiyah thus won his 5th Dakar in his career after 2011, 2015, 2019 and 2022. In the motorcycles, the Argentinian Kevin Benavides (KTM) won by 43 seconds ahead of the Australian Toby Price (KTM) by overturning the situation during the last step.

Argentine biker Kevin Benavides accompanied by Qatari driver Nasser al-Attiyah on the podium of the 2023 Dakar last January. | PHOTO: AFP See in full screen Argentine biker Kevin Benavides accompanied by Qatari driver Nasser al-Attiyah on the podium of the 2023 Dakar last January. | PHOTO: AFP

In the other categories, the Boss Machinery Team truck from Rooy Iveco driven by the Dutchman Janus van Kasteren won as did the Frenchman Alexandre Giroud in the quad. The Polish Eryk Gocza dominated the SSV ranking and the American Austin Jones dominated the lightweight prototypes.

What does the Dakar winner’s trophy represent?

The trophy represents the sheikh of the Dakar and is the work of sculptor Danielle Souanin. Made since 1993 in the Sables Noirs foundry, this statuette which weighs 9 kg is in polished bronze, with a gold color added for the big winners.

The trophies rewarding the winners of the Dakar. | PHOTO: AFP See in full screen The trophies rewarding the winners of the Dakar. | PHOTO: AFP

This 46th edition will be followed on The Team Channel. A great first for the Amaury group. Nearly four hours of airtime will be devoted daily to the Dakar, including four important events: from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.: “The big live” hosted by Messaoud Benterki, a live broadcast during the arrival of the day’s specials. At 6:20 p.m.: “The Dakar diary”, a program lasting 5 to 10 minutes will be devoted to today’s stage. It will be followed by a “big summary” from 8 to 9 p.m. Finally, a rebroadcast of the previous day’s race will be scheduled every day from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

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“The Dakar is part of the heritage of French sport. It’s the traditional January meeting for all car and motorcycle fans and it’s also a human adventure bringing together nearly 850 participants” recalled Jérôme Saporito, director of the TV division of The Team.

For his part, France Televisions has decided to drastically reduce its coverage since it will be limited to a single meeting, in the daily show “Tout le sport” on France 3.

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