Dangerous kisses? These are the 10 diseases that you can get from kissing

by time news

2024-02-18 04:02:00

Oh, the kisses! One of the most romantic caresses with which we can connect with that special person. They can be tender, unexpected, passionate and even disappointing. But dangerous? Believe it or not, there are some diseases that can be transmitted by a kiss.

Why do kisses transmit diseases?

Los kisses Not only are they an expression of affection and emotional connection, they also provide health benefits. When kissing, endorphins and neurotransmitters are released that generate feelings of well-being and reduce stress. However, when transferring microorganisms through salivawe can contract some diseases.

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Our mouth houses around 80 million bacteria, but only a small fraction of them, around 700, are capable of traveling through the salivacausing contagious infections or diseases if shared with another person during a kiss, as described information from the scientific journal BioMed Central.

Is tongue kissing safe?

Although he tongue kiss is considered one of the most passionate, the truth is that it involves a more direct exchange of saliva, which increases the risk of transmitting contagious diseases such as the flu, the common cold and, in more serious cases, the herpes virus or even syphilis.

If you like avoid contracting diseases when kissing to a special person, it is best to keep a good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss regularly to prevent bacteria buildup, as well as follow the following recommendations:

  • Avoid kissing people with symptoms of contagious illnesses such as the flu, cold, or cold sores.
  • If you have open sores in your mouth, wait for them to heal before kissing someone to avoid transmitting bacteria or viruses.
  • Talk openly with your partner about your medical history and any concerns you have about his or her health before getting intimate.
  • Get vaccinated to prevent diseases like hepatitis B.

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What diseases can be spread from a kiss?

The infectious mononucleosis It is one of the main diseases that can be spread from a kiss. In fact, it is known as the kissing disease To learn more, we invite you to review the gallery that we prepared for you at the top of this note.

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