Dani Alves is visited in prison by ex-wife and children for 40th birthday: “He is innocent, but deprived of his freedom” | Football

by time news

2023-05-08 01:00:14

Dani Alves was allowed to blow out 40 candles yesterday, but there was not much reason to party. The Brazilian footballer has been in prison for more than three months on charges of sexual assault. On the occasion of his birthday, his ex-wife and children visited his Spanish cell yesterday.

LOOK. Ex-wife and children Dani Alves visit him in Spanish cell.

No balloons, cake and streamers today for Dani Alves. The professional footballer has been detained in Spanish prison for several months after being accused of raping a 23-year-old woman in a Barcelona nightclub at the end of December. So there was no party, but Alves was visited by his ex-wife and children.

Dinorah Sanata, Dani Alves’ ex, strongly believes in her ex-husband’s innocence. Together they had two children, Victoria and Daniel Alves. Santana has been proclaiming since the beginning that she does not believe the allegations. “Dani is incapable of doing something like that. I have known him for 22 years, 10 of which have been married. I would put my hand in the fire for him,” she told the Spanish sports newspaper Marca at the end of February.

Santana also repeated her message during the visit to the birthday boy Alves: “He is innocent, but deprived of his freedom. That is very hard and emotional. He was touched, because he misses the children very much. He holds on strong, but continues to proclaim his innocence.”

Current wife wants a divorce

Where his ex-wife Dani still openly supports Alves, his current wife no longer does. Initially, Joana Sanz (29) defended her husband, but a few weeks ago she indicated that she wanted a divorce. The Brazilian international, an acclaimed football player with three Champions League times and six La Liga times with FC Barcelona, ​​has therefore hurt Sanz to the bottom of her heart. Not only because of the infidelity, also because on the day of the alleged rape on December 30, Sanz’s mother was dying. A few weeks later, the woman also died of cancer. A second blow in a short time for the model born in Gran Canaria. Dani Alves fans then also got the wind on social media when the news came out that she wants to divorce the footballer. Sanz took a break from social media, where she has a million followers on Instagram alone.

This is what Dani Alves would have done in a nightclub in Barcelona

The facts allegedly occurred on the evening of December 30 in Barcelona nightclub Sutton. Alves, at one point was said to have been “dancing very close with a woman” and “offered her a drink as well.” After a few minutes, Alves would then have put his hand on the woman’s pubic area, which immediately pulled away from the Brazilian.

Sutton nightclub in Barcelona, ​​where Alves is said to have committed the facts. © AFP – Photo News

Alves then led the woman to the toilet, after which he locked the door. There she would have been beaten, thrown to the ground and raped. “He put his hand in my underpants,” the woman told ABC. Subsequently, the Brazilian star football player would have beaten and penetrated her. Earlier he would also have tried to approach her friends sexually.

Only after Alves had left the club, the woman would have raised the facts with security. The woman also went to the hospital for examination and handed over her clothing to the police for DNA testing. She also gave accurate descriptions of the soccer player’s tattoos on his lower abdomen.

“Love You”: After seeking divorce from inmate Dani Alves, Joana Sanz shares intimate video with other woman

From drink offered to violent rape in nightclub toilets: details of accusations against Dani Alves leak out

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