Days of Azerbaijani Culture are held in Qatar – colorful carpets and a concert program are presented – 2024-02-22 16:14:11 – 2024-02-22 16:14:12

by times news cr

2024-02-22 16:14:12

2024-02-22 16:14:11

The capital of Qatar, Doha, is hosting the Days of Azerbaijani Culture, organized by the Ministry of Culture of Azerbaijan from February 21 to 24, the press service of the department told Day.Az.

On this occasion, a delegation led by Minister of Culture Adil Karimli is visiting Qatar. The delegation includes cultural figures, artistic groups and media representatives.

On February 21, the opening of the Culture Days took place on the territory of the Souq Waqif shopping center in Doha. This place is popular for organizing events with colorful carpets and artwork.

An exhibition of Azerbaijani carpets is being held jointly by the Ministry of Culture and Azerkhalcha OJSC. The exhibition features carpets created using about 15 unique techniques. Officials from the Qatar Ministry of Culture viewed the exhibition.

A concert program was presented at the exhibition site with the participation of the Azerbaijan State Orchestra of Folk Instruments, a mugham trio and soloists of the State Dance Ensemble of Azerbaijan. The concert was received with great interest by the audience.

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