Delta variant, Fauci: “Identical virus level between vaccinated and non vaccinated”

by time news

Delta variant: the consultant for the president of the USA, Anthony Fauci, raises the alarm on the contagiousness of the new strain and calls for vaccination

The Delta variant of Covid-19, characterized by greater contagiousness, has completely changed the cards on the table in the fight against the pandemic. The Indian strain of the virus appears to be blocked by current vaccines but as Anthony Fauci, immunologist and consultant for US President Joe Biden points out, in people affected by the disease “the level of virus in vaccinated people becomes infected, a rarer event that can occur. , it is exactly the same with respect to the level of the virus in unvaccinated people. ”

Delta variant, Fauci: “Vaccinated people can transmit the virus”

“Two months ago, the level of virus in the mucous membranes of a vaccinated subject was significantly lower,” Fauci reiterated in an interview with MSNBC’s “All in with Chris Hayes”. “The CDC (Centers for disease control) has not made any reversals. – clarified Fauci referring to the new guidelines that recommend the use of masks indoors even for vaccinated people – When the previous recommendation was made, we had to do especially with the Alpha variant. A vaccinated person, if positive, would hardly have transmitted the virus. Now we are dealing with the Delta variant, which is much more contagious. The most recent data clearly shows that when a vaccinated person is infected, it can transmit the virus. Therefore, the guidelines have been changed. “

Delta variant, Fauci: “We must not think that the infection in children is not worrying”

Regarding the effect of Covid-19 on minors, a problem today very much felt in countries like IndonesiaFauci said: “A vaccinated person, even a positive one, is unlikely to go to hospital or die. But if a vaccinated person becomes infected, he can transmit the virus to frail people or unvaccinated children: we don’t want that to happen. children become infected, some of them get sick and die: we have had 400 deaths among children from Covid. We must not think that the infection among children is not worrying: we must protect them, even if a serious evolution of the disease is less likely . – continues the doctor – The vaccine is the most immediate solution to the problem: there are 100 million people in this country who have not yet been vaccinated. We must reach them and make sure they get vaccinated “.

Delta variant, Fauci: “With the vaccine we stop the birth of new strains”

“The Delta variant is here, if we reach 85-90% of the vaccinated population, the Delta variant would not have many places to go. – concludes Fauci – Now, fortunately, we have enough vaccinated people and we will not have one among them. people don’t realize one thing: as long as there is high circulation of the virus, we give the virus the chance to vary even more and risk a variant worse than the Delta, a variant that not even the vaccinated could handle. “

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