Denmark will send $250 million in military aid to Ukraine

by time news

2023-05-02 22:01:40

Denmark will hand over demining machines, ammunition, field bridges and air defense equipment to Ukraine. The message of the Ministry of Defense of the country states that at the moment this is the largest package of military aid from Denmark, it is intended to support the Ukrainian offensive.

“The new military donation package is our largest to date, and the total support from Denmark now stands at almost 11 billion Danish kroner (1.6 billion USD),” said the Danish foreign minister. Lars Loke Rasmusen.

According to Reuters, Traels Lund Paulsen also announced that Denmark would reduce its military presence in Iraq from early 2024 and instead focus on the Baltic states, offering NATO a battalion to defend the region.

The battalion is expected to number between 700 and 1,200 troops and will be stationed in Latvia for four to six months each year. The rest of the time, the troops will remain in Denmark, ready to be redeployed to the Baltic states in the event of a crisis.

#Denmark #send #million #military #aid #Ukraine

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