Department of Disease Control warns 7 diseases, 3 health hazards during the rainy season

by time news

Department of Disease Control issued a warning to people to beware of sickness with diseases and health hazards in winter, there are 7 diseases and 3 health hazards in order for people to take care of their health properly. and be healthy during this rainy season

Today (7 June 2022) Dr. Opas Karn Kawinpong Director-General of the Department of Disease Control said that now Thailand has officially entered the rainy season. If people take care of their health incorrectly May cause illness, the Department of Disease Control has issued the Department of Disease Control announced on the prevention of diseases and health hazards occurring during the rainy season of Thailand, 2022, divided into 4 groups as follows: Group 1. Diseases in the medical system breathing influenza It is transmitted by coughing, sneezing, or touching contaminated objects with symptoms such as fever, dry cough, headache, nasopharyngitis and sore throat.

Pneumonia is caused by bacterial, viral infection from breathing or exposure to droplets from mucus, fever, coughing, shortness of breath. found in all age groups But the symptoms are severe in people who are immunocompromised and have underlying medical conditions. Both diseases can be prevented by staying healthy. Wash your hands often with water and soap or alcohol gel Do not share personal belongings with others. and wear a cloth mask or a hygienic mask every time when going out which such methods can prevent the disease covid 19 as well

Group 2 is a contagious disease from contact. Hand, foot and mouth disease is most common in young children under 5 years of age. From touching mucus, saliva, rashes, clear blisters of the patient, there will be fever, clear blisters or ulcers in the mouth, palms, soles of the feet or buttocks. Most of the symptoms are mild and go away on their own. Ask parents and teachers to observe the child’s illness. If there is any suspected illness Separate the sick child from the normal child and seek medical attention. and to stop studying until recovered
Leptospirosis or leptospirosis It is often found in farmers who are in constant contact with soil or water. They have high fever, severe headache, chills, red eyes and pain in the calf muscles. Prevention is to avoid working in water or having to wade through mud for a long time. If necessary, appropriate protective equipment should be worn at all times.

Group 3 Communicable diseases carried by Aedes mosquitoes Dengue fever Aedes mosquitoes are carriers of the disease. High fever, headache, muscle pain. red spots on the skin If the symptoms are severe, shock may occur. Fever, joint pain, mosquitoes or Chikungunya disease There are garden mosquitoes and house mosquitoes as vectors. Dengue-like symptoms However, the difference is that there is no leakage of plasma outside the blood vessels. Therefore, no patients with severe symptoms of shock and death were found. Zika virus infection Aedes mosquitoes are vectors. Symptoms are mild. but if infected in pregnant women May cause cephalgia in a newborn baby Children are developmentally slow and small. or have complications during pregnancy
Prevention People are encouraged to explore the waterlogged areas and work together to eliminate mosquito breeding sites in the surrounding area. The house and in the community By using the measures “3 collect, prevent 3 diseases”, keep the house clean. Pick up trash around the house and collect water. Close the lid of the container that is filled with water. Prevent Aedes from laying eggs. which can prevent all 3 diseases
Group 4: Health hazards, injuries and deaths from lightning strikes When it rains, hide in a safe place, such as inside your home or building. and avoid under the big tree The dangers of eating poisonous mushrooms If you’re not sure if it’s poisonous or edible. should not be taken orally Or may choose to eat mushrooms that come from propagation, such as fairy mushrooms, straw mushrooms.
The danger of being bitten by a poisonous snake when it rains, floods Venomous reptiles and snakes may come to live in the corner of the house should keep the house clean If bitten by a poisonous snake The patient must be rushed to the hospital immediately. Reduce the movement of organs that are bitten by snakes. and should not screw up May cause tissue ischemia to necrosis. as well as memorizing the characteristics of the type of snake that bites for accurate and quick treatment

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