Dina Boluarte: Lawyer assures that the president will not answer “impertinent” questions from the National Prosecutor’s Office | Protests in Peru | Latest | POLICY

by time news

2023-05-25 07:18:15

Joseph Campos, lawyer for the President of the Republic, In Boluarteassured that his patron will not answer “impertinent” questions when he has to testify before the National Prosecutor’s Office for the deaths registered during the social protests against his government.

In statements to Channel N, he explained that Boluarte Zegarra’s decision to remain silent will be conditioned on the type of question that is asked. He also described the investigation against the president as “naughty” considering that the crime charged has no legal or political existence.

LOOK HERE: Dina Boluarte: Prosecutor’s Office summons the president to testify this May 31 for deaths in protests

“What happens is that keeping silent can be the consequence of two situations: establishing an act of defense or simply not responding to an impertinent question. Certainly I believe that the impertinence of this investigation is very clear when the central accusation is of a genocide that has neither legal nor political existence.”he expressed.

“What I can assure you is that there is maximum collaboration in the will of the president, but that this will certainly be conditioned by the quality of the questions, which are the ones that define those that will be answered and those that will not”he added.

LOOK HERE: Fuerza Popular in favor of a bill so that Dina Boluarte can travel abroad

In this sense, Campos insisted that the intention of In Boluarte is to collaborate with the investigation of the Public Ministry because the accusation is “grave” y “antitechnic”and implies a “enormous political cost”.

“It is not the same to keep silent as to avoid the answer to an impertinent question. In any case, I will be the one to say: ‘eventually this question is impertinent’. The idea is to collaborate fully. All pertinent questions regarding this topic will be answered.”he stressed.

LOOK HERE: Dina Boluarte summons jurists: What task will they have in the face of AMLO and Petro’s speech?

“I insist: keeping silent on this issue makes no sense because legal responsibility on this issue is impossible. The only thing that makes sense is that when faced with a question that doesn’t make sense, what is the answer for?he added.

Finally, the president’s lawyer emphasized that they are not going to rely on silence. “What we will do is give our maximum collaboration to end this once and for all, that is really impertinent for us and, second, above all it does unnecessary political damage”sentenced.

Statements by Dina Boluarte’s lawyer. (Video: Channel N)

As you remember, Dina Boluarte asked the National Prosecutor’s Office to reschedule the May 31 summons for June 1 in order for him to declare as part of the investigation that he is being followed for the deaths during the protests against his government.

According to a letter, to which El Comercio had access, the multi-hazard national drill to be held on May 31 is argued, “directed by the Presidency of the Republic and in which all authorities and the population at the national level must participate”.

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