Disciple of Rabbi Tao: The rabbi is defamed for ratings

by time news

Knitted news11/14/22 2:50 PM in Hashvan Tishpag

Disciple of Rabbi Tao: The rabbi is defamed for ratings

(Photo: Noam Party)

The head of the ‘Ayelet HaShahar’ yeshiva in Eilat, Rabbi Yossi Rodriguez, published a protest letter yesterday against the publications regarding Rabbi Zvi Tau, while sharply criticizing the liberal rabbis who gave a series of media interviews to support the complainant. It should be noted that this is one of the first statements by someone close or distant to Rabbi Tao regarding the case.

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In a letter published at the yeshiva, Rabbi Rodriguez writes, among other things: “It is my great duty to protest against the blasphemy of God by slandering and denigrating the Torah honor of our teachers and rabbis, Rabbi Tzvi Tau Shalita, the glory of the generation and its glory, beating the Torah in many and raising the rabbinical shepherds from whose waters we drink.”

He hinges the publication of the case on the search for ratings: “The harm is not only to him, but to all of us – in the entire Torah world – those who claim to seek justice and truth, by multiplying blasphemy, in order to gain ratings for the image of those who seek social justice and protect the poor, while everyone knows and perhaps They are themselves, that the truth is far from them, that a spirit of disobedience has led everyone to see their lofty ambition.”

Rabbi Rodríguez dedicates a special section for criticism to the liberal rabbis who published a series of posts on Facebook last week demanding an investigation into the affair: “All lovers of the Torah and Lumedia – must differentiate between the moss on the wall that calls out rabbis – or in the words of Rabbi Shapira zt’l Rabalach, where and how much of your success is based on the ratings The polluted Internet media, which was and will disappear overnight in Israel, pretending to be ‘Luthers’ of the Torah world, in spreading the Enlightenment and saving the Torah world from burning, according to their method! – and the distinct, humble and simple saints of Israel devoted to increasing and enlarging the Torah with tireless diligence day and night literally for decades, and establishing an entire world in the open and in the hidden.”

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