Discover the safest anti-theft system for your car

by time news

2024-02-12 11:59:12

There are many methods to prevent car theft. The most innovative comes from the United States, with a very simple operation which can be of great help. We are talking about a device resistant and safe to prevent car theft. Its commercial name is Barnacleand it will surely give a lot to talk about.

Barnacle It’s a very nice looking tool. similar to that of an exterior parasol. When you open it, it contains some suckers That adhere strongly to glass vehicle. Thanks to this effective function, it is impossible to remove the car.

In this way, it hinders the driver’s visibility, preventing him from getting in front of the wheel. Furthermore, it has a numerical code, for the user to park it. When you get back to the car, just use this clave to use it again.

The great advantage of this system is that does not pose any risk to the integrity of the vehicle, because it does not damage any of its components. At the same time, it could be considered a very aesthetic option for the exterior.

With respect to precio of Barnacle, on the original American website can be rented for $250 a month (about 230 euros) to security forces. For now, he has not yet arrived in Spain, but it is possible that he will do so very soon.

This device was designed as a immobilizer system so that a car that had committed some infraction will move. The police officers He placed this device on the windshield, and once he had paid the MOREprovided the code to remove the device.

After removing the Barnacle, the driver was to leave in a pick up point concrete for its next use. The invention was placed in a container with a mouth through which it was introduced.

More immobilization systems

Apart from the Barnacle, there are others immobilization systems. Although the best known is the stocks, can be harmful to the car tires because it is very heavy. What’s more, it can pose a risk to certain parts of the vehicle in question.

There are also other elements, more modern and advanced such as suckers. It is a technique based on placing said tool in the driver’s door using a coiled cable around one of the car’s mirrors.

Suction cup mounts can be used as long as they are not placed on the windshield and obstruct visibility. Pixabay

Likewise, the coded cards They are another alternative to immobilize our car. Of key-like operation, It is necessary to insert a card into a reader to power the different circuits of the car.

#Discover #safest #antitheft #system #car

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