Do digital twins yield a return on investment? – Techtime

by time news

February 13, 2023

The benefits of a digital twin in the management of the product or process are enormous, but it is important to remember that this is a complex process that requires the preparation of an efficient information infrastructure available to the digital representation

By: Adam Eisenberg, Regional Sales Director, PTC

Is it worthwhile for an industrial company to invest in building a digital twin (Digital Twin) of the product or its production process? The dilemma is not easy, because in most cases it is a very expensive process. Building a digital replica of a complex physical object can be a very expensive process. Sometimes it requires an investment of more than a million dollars to implement. In some cases even much more than that.

What is a digital twin??

We define a digital twin as a virtual representation of a physical product, process, person or place (“spatial twin”), which can provide a reflection and assessment of its physical counterpart. aspects of theThe reflection and evaluationThese are of crucial importance, Because they are the differentiating factor between a digital twin and a simulation which reflects the physical at exactly one point in time. Digital twins are continuous exchanges of information between reality and the virtual world, Whereas simulations draw information only from the point in time associated with the physical representation, No real feedback from the information.

It is important to note: Although many digital twins use a three-dimensional visual representationDimensional of some kindGodNothing is essential. What is essential is the data, And many organizations choose to visualize this data using a dual modelDimensional or three dimensionalDimensional of some kind both on computer screens and through augmented reality (AR). But to be honest, There is no need for it.

The costs of investing in digital twins

Implementing digital twins is not as simple as purchasing and installing software. among the rest, Because although digital twins are productsthere is to treat them as systems in technological environments, Because every digital twin requires physical components and virtual components that work together. but Not all technological environments are normal, And problematic environments do not function as well as their less problematic counterparts.

for example, The key to a successful digital twin project is data, Especially clear and available data. Before building a tower, a strong foundation is needed, And information is the foundation of digital transformation initiativesincluding a project digital twins. Therefore, Before companies decide on the adoption of a digital twin program, They should ask themselves first How available is my data??”. If a human expert is needed just to sort through bar informationViable for replicated information on a regular basis This is a red flag that tells us that a lot more work is needed.

The business impact of a digital twin

Reality shows that when a successful implementation of digital twins is carried out, Additional benefits are revealed. Many cite the ability to predict maintenance needs as a key improvement resulting from digital coordination. The ability to repair equipment before it becomes faulty is essential to efficiency and revenue, andDigital twins provide this knowledge at unprecedented levels. However, installing digital twins is not limited to building a “button Predictive maintenance“. They neutralize operational uncertainty, And actually distill the generic to the specific.

Digital twins improve maintenance and service lifecycle management, but also contribute in areas such as training and familiarization with new products. They provide insights into product lifecycle management and operations management in general. They can also promote better resource allocation (People and machines), and reduce the waste accidentally created from imperfect work.

as mentioned, Digital twins are not cheap But it’s worth understanding that they help directly solve key organizational challenges such as maintenance and reducing downtime, and answer a series of other problems. Industrial organizations may have a greater need for digital twinsespecially when This is a body spread over many sites, with many divisions and with Dozens, Hundreds and thousands of workers. In the bottom line, Digital twins provide a starting point for an improvement process at all levels. This is their main strength.

Published in the categories: big data, news, information technologies, industry and management

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