Doctors – Meningitis – an alarming increase among children

by time news

2023-06-16 21:40:29

Main points of the article:

  • Meningitis is divided into two types – bacterial (very dangerous) and viral (easier).
  • Bacterial meningitis can lead to death and severe long-term complications such as deafness, retardation, heart problems and more.
  • The recommendation of the Ministry of Health is to vaccinate against the disease in all infants and adults with underlying diseases.

Meningitis is a dangerous inflammatory disease caused by some kind of infection, bacterial or viral. It damages the membranes around the brain and around the spinal cord. Recently we have witnessed more cases of meningococcal infection and subsequent meningitis in Israel, so it is important to identify the symptoms, diagnose and treat quickly and efficiently.

Meningitis vaccine

In Israel there are two types of vaccine for the meningococcus bacteria that causes meningitis. One vaccine is called Baxtro and is intended for babies up to two years of age, and another vaccine called Trumbana, intended for ages 10 and older. The recommendation of the Ministry of Health is to vaccinate all babies. In the US, you get the vaccine as a routine in elementary school in the 5th grade, and a booster dose about four to five years later.

Infant vaccination. Photo: Shutterstock

Meningitis – symptoms

The first symptoms are usually fever, vomiting, headache and feeling unwell. In addition there may be limb pain, cold hands and feet and pale skin. These symptoms often precede more severe symptoms of rash, neck stiffness, drowsiness or apathy, confusion, and inability to tolerate bright lights.

Meningitis in children

According to a Ministry of Health document published in January of this year, 45% of patients with meningitis are less than a year old.

Babies under one year old cannot explain what is happening to them, so if they have a fever or a rash, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • They seem to have difficulty moving their head left and right (stiff neck)
  • confusion
  • sensitivity to light
  • refusal to eat
  • Excessive indifference, lack of reactivity, sleepiness
  • Convulsions

Meningitis – chances of recovery

Meningitis is a dangerous disease, so it must be treated immediately with intravenous antibiotics and, if necessary, steroids. If the treatment is delayed or is incorrect, the disease can lead to brain damage, vision loss, hearing loss, kidney and heart damage and even death.

On the other hand, if the patient is diagnosed and treated quickly, he has a high chance of a full recovery. Statistically, without treatment, a patient with meningitis has a 70% chance of dying. Some patients will continue to suffer from long-term damage such as heart problems, vision problems, and more, long after they have recovered from the disease.

The Ministry of Health reiterates and emphasizes that children must be vaccinated to prevent infection and complication of meningitis which can deteriorate into problems such as paralysis, deafness, mental retardation and convulsions and even lead to death. The Ministry of Health report emphasizes that some antibiotic drugs have lost their effectiveness in recent years.

Meningitis vaccine – side effects

Vaccines against the meningococcal bacteria are considered safe, but like any other vaccine may lead to side effects such as pain, redness or swelling in the injection area. Other side effects are: fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, fever, chills, nausea and diarrhea. Of course, all these should not deter from receiving the vaccine, since the disease itself is much more severe.

Meningitis – how do you get infected?

Meningitis is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection and is passed from one to the other through secretions. The infection is caused by contact with the secretions (runny nose, pee, poop) of a sick person. In many cases the bacteria or viruses are transmitted by droplets of saliva or sneezing in close contact with the patient.

Meningitis – recovery time

Acute bacterial meningitis must be treated immediately with intravenous antibiotics in a hospital, and sometimes with steroids. The treatment reduces the risk of complications such as brain edema and seizures. The recovery time is about ten days. Viral meningitis has no specific treatment – most people with viral meningitis will recover completely within seven to ten days without treatment.

Questions and Answers:

What is meningitis? Meningitis is a disease that damages the membranes around the spinal cord and brain, and is therefore very dangerous. It can lead to death and severe side effects if not treated in time.

Is meningitis contagious? Yes, the disease is contagious through secretions.

How long does meningitis last? The disease lasts between a week and ten days.

How is meningitis diagnosed? Along with signs such as a rash, reluctance to strong light, and more, meningitis can be diagnosed by a lumbar puncture. In people with meningitis, the fluid often shows a low sugar level along with an elevated white blood cell count and an increase in protein. Examining the fluid may also help identify which bacteria caused the meningitis.

(Illustration photos: Shutterstock)

#Doctors #Meningitis #alarming #increase #among #children

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