Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence raided by the FBI

by time news

“My magnificent residence is besieged and occupied by a large group of FBI agents. In a statement shared on the Truth Social network, Donald Trump announced on Monday that he was targeted by a federal police search at his home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida. Donald Trump says he was not warned. “They even penetrated into my safe”, he specifies, denouncing “a political persecution” and worthy “of a country of the third world”.

The former American president did not give the reason for this coup. According to Washington Post, the FBI had a search warrant for confidential documents potentially illegally taken by Donald Trump in his suitcases. The ex-president had already been forced to return documents from the White House to the national archives service.

The Justice Department is also investigating the storming of the Capitol and Donald Trump’s efforts to interfere with the 2020 presidential results. Recently, several former White House executives, including the former chief of staff of Mike Pence, were summoned by federal prosecutors to testify before a grand jury.

/… More information to come on 20 Minutes

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