Donating your body to science: Here’s how it works

by time news

2024-01-04 14:07:58

If you donate your body to science, you must meet certain conditions. Only then can your corpse be used successfully.

How to donate your body to science

In recent years, donating your body to science has become increasingly popular. However, this is not possible for every person.

If you want to donate your body to science, you need to contact the university nearest you. The Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology is your contact point. To donate to science you must be at least 60 years old. In addition, you must arrange the donation during your lifetime; you cannot do this subsequently for another person. In order for all costs of your donation to be covered, you must live in close proximity to the university. A radius of 20 kilometers is usually used as a benchmark. If you are outside this area, you will need to pay for your own transportation to the university. Otherwise this will be paid for you. Another important point is the witness confirmations. You can only hand in the registration forms for the donation if you have full mental capacity and are assisted, for example by your family doctor.

This is what happens to your body after donation

Once you have been accepted for donation, your body can be used in a variety of ways.

In most cases they serve as teaching aids for students of medicine and dentistry. They learn about anatomical structures in your body, such as the course of nerves and blood vessels. In addition, many universities offer operations courses for students. Operations will then be carried out on your body, just as they occur in reality. It is also important that not only well-known surgical techniques are used. New techniques and devices are also being tested that can be used in the future. A significant difference from Pathology and forensic medicine is that your body is not examined for a cause of death. It is used exclusively for research.
#Donating #body #science #Heres #works

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