Doreen Dotan Parkash opens up about everything after the stormy episode

by time news

Dorin Dotan Parkash responded on her Instagram account to the stormy episode this evening (Sunday) in which Sahar Cohen and Sapir Kashti, her previous allies hurled harsh accusations at her in the prize mission because she “preys on people” and “it is not worth making an alliance with her”.

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Sahar Cohen and Doreen Dotan

Sahar Cohen and Doreen Dotan

(Screenshot, network 13)

“I will be very transparent, I understand that Doreen got me involved,” Sahar said in the prize mission in front of all the program’s participants, “I understand that Dorin got me involved not only with me but with many members of the tribe. I want to warn you, I recommend that you oust her in the upcoming impeachment. And avoid this thing As soon as possible. I look at you very directly. And by the way, even the most powerful among you within the alliance, I suggest you take a moment to ask yourself if your place is safe. And it is important that Tanya can confirm this at a decision summit.”

Doreen explained the things that were said to Tanya at the decision summit: “I said that I didn’t understand your choice of Nir.” Sahar added: “I don’t trust you in this game, and I tell you this unequivocally that no person from this tribe will make another alliance with you in the future, and I stand behind it.”

Later, Dorin explained about the duos that existed between the members of the alliance that were in the tribe – Sahar and Sapir and Dorin and Nebo, after Nebo deposed himself, Sapir and Sahar wanted to make sure that Dorin was with them in the triad alliance, and if there was an expulsion from Maya, she would be the one to be deposed. The things upset Sapir Keshti, Sahar Cohen and Maya Kay.

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rainbow sapphirerainbow sapphire

rainbow sapphire “I’m in complete astonishment”

(Photo: Micah Loubton)

Sapir, who was in a storm of emotions, said in response to her words: “I am amazed at what is happening here. One of the things that was the hardest. That she said she was not in contact with the ‘ex’ [הכוונה לשבט בייביאן ממנו עברה]. I took it hard. Before and after everything I saw Doreen as my friend. I cried for two days about her leaving, I realized that I had nothing to cry about. I’m in total astonishment and apparently she came to play, but also to run over on the road and that’s not my thing.”

At the end of the mission, Sahar apologized and said: “I had no intention of offending. I said the things directly, probably too much. And I thank and apologize.”

“The truth is that my stomach hurts from seeing this promo,” Doreen wrote in a story on her Instagram page, “at this moment all the boundaries of the game were crossed for me. I couldn’t believe that I was in such a violent situation (and I really hope they show you everything that happened) I was never spoken to That’s how I’ve never been hurt like that. And yes, I have a scar on my heart to this day.

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Doreen's post before the episode airedDoreen's post before the episode aired

Doreen’s post before the episode aired

(Screenshot, from Instagram)

“It’s not a ‘moment’ in a game/TV show. It was intentional and interpersonal verbal violence that I don’t wish anyone – man/woman, boy/girl to go through.”

Doreen wrote another post after the broadcast of the program on her Instagram account: “I just watched the episode and it brought me back to this moment. I was hurt in a way that I have never been hurt in my life. I honestly say that what you saw in this episode was a pinch compared to what really happened there. But there is nothing to be done, Edit. I was humiliated. They called to boycott me. They screamed at me, humiliated me and whitewashed my face in front of everyone.

“A second after I stood as strong as a lioness and kept my pace, I collapsed. I couldn’t stand on my feet. I removed the buff, the microphone and asked to end my way in the game because it crossed every human boundary. That scar remains in me to this day. The words he chose, the shouting in front of everyone. . To this day they burned me (and they spared you a lot). I felt a real threat. I felt that I was alone and I promised myself one thing. Not to give up, not to get up and go. To set an example for any boy / girl who will feel deprived that the solution is not to run away.”

She also wrote about Sahar in response to the surfers’ question in the story that “we are not in touch today. I appreciated Sahar very much at the beginning and I gave him a lot of respect as a person. On a personal level, he hurt me a lot, far beyond the game itself and this is something that is hard for me to skip.”

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