Dr. John Campbell on excess mortality in a number of countries

by time news

Summary of the article

Dr. John Campbell elaborates on the excess mortality rates in various countries. In addition to the video also a short summary.

Read full article: Dr. John Campbell on excess mortality in a number of countries

reading time: 2 minutes

Someone who has been coming up with interesting videos every day since the start of the Corona crisis is the English Dr. Campbell. An independent thinker, a lot of medical experience, who is very meticulous and analytical. A few days ago he made a video on the subject of “excess mortality”. Below you will find that video with a summary of the main points below.

This is a summary of the topics covered in this video:

  • First of all, he discusses the Australian excess mortality, which is currently around 17% in 2022. The Covid-19 deaths have been so low in recent months that they cannot explain this excess mortality. (On this subject and the nonsense that CBS said about it, Virusvaria wrote an interesting article.
  • Next comes the figures from the British heart organization, which indicates that 30,000 deaths can be linked to problems surrounding care related to heart problems. Again, Campbell says that more research should be done to really look at why those numbers are so high.
  • The next source of data he discusses is the cancer data in the US. While cancer figures fell annually until 2020, those figures have now risen sharply again. This is linked to problems surrounding care in relation to Covid-19, but Dr. Campbell indicates that the figures are not sufficiently analysed.
  • The figures of cancer victims have also risen clearly in the United Kingdom, and there too, according to Campbell, there is too little in-depth analysis.
  • The best data out there seems to be from the UK statistics office. Then he goes into more detail. He shows, among other things, this graph of deaths involving heart failure, but also the all-cause mortality figures in the younger age groups.

Dark part of the bar represents deaths where only the heart is on the death certificate. Yellow also says Covid. Gray indicates that other causes are listed besides the heart, but no Covid. It can be clearly seen that since the second half of 2021 the value often rises above the purple dotted line, while the yellow (Covid) piece is not responsible for this. That pattern is also more recognizable in the second half of 2022.

Dr. Campbell finds it astonishing how lax the response to the numbers is and how little people try to find a real explanation for the numbers they see through analysis.

The picture accompanying this article shows two posters of Dr. John Campbell.

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