Early retirement and farewell at “Quota 100”. The trade unions: reopen the table – time.news

by time news

Pensions, tension on the pension reform rises. CGIL, CISL and UIL ask the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Andrea Orlando, to reopen the discussion table on social security. “It is necessary and urgent to design a structural reform of the social security system that overcomes the current rigidities and which starts from January 2022, upon the expiry of Quota 100 – write CGIL, CISL and UIL with the confederal secretaries Roberto Ghiselli, Ignazio Ganga and Domenico Proietti -. The overall reform of our social security system will have to provide for the possibility of flexible access to retirement, the recognition of the different severity of work, the enhancement of care work and the work of women ». In addition, for the trade unions “it is time to envisage a mechanism that protects the future pensions of young people, in particular those who have intermittent careers with low wages, guarantee greater purchasing power for pensioners and promote accession to supplementary pensions” , conclude the three acronyms.

The challenge of the Draghi government

In the program announced in February, Mario Draghi did not mention it. But politicians, technicians and insiders know that the new government will not be able to refrain from putting its hand to the mother of all reforms, that of pensions. And the appeal of the trade unions wants precisely to highlight the urgency. However, it will not be an easy undertaking, either because of the differences in views of the (varied) political forces that support it, or because of some key dates that cannot be circumvented. The first of which is the expiry of Quota 100, whose three-year experimental phase will end at the end of December 2021, leaving workers who want to retire in front of a thrilling staircase (from 62 to 67 years).

Draghi’s choices on pensions

What will Draghi’s choices about pensions be? The end of Quota 100 is taken for granted (the Conte bis government itself had announced its end and its replacement with a possible Quota 102), but we must avoid the famous “staircase” that would force workers one step away from coveted retired from work to postpone pension plans for 5 years (here the factsheet on pensions and all the hypotheses of reform). On closer inspection, this is also a trap for the government, which, however “technical” it may be, cannot fail to intervene. Also because the demands of the unions in this sense (to find an alternative to the archiving of Quota 100) have been pressing since the first meeting with the minister of labor, Andrea Orlando.

Transformation coefficients and retirement thresholds

There are two ways to restore a minimum of flexibility to the rigid “contributory” rules of the Formnero law: an overall reform (such as the one advocated by Draghi himself for the tax authorities), which however sounds ambitious given the still uncertain prospects of the current super majority , or a targeted intervention on retirement thresholds and conversion coefficients.

The possible solutions and the necessary flexibility

The most popular hypothesis in the Conte bis, as mentioned, was Quota 102, raising the minimum age to access early retirement to 64 years. In the alternative, a flexible mix of requirements (age + contributions), the sum of which is always 102. All this with the addition of penalties for each year in advance of retirement at 67 years. These hypotheses, however, are rejected not only by the League, but also by the unions. How will Draghi come out? The new prime minister has already said he will consult the social partners, as well as the parties. The starting positions are distant, it is true. But there are some conditions that could favor a compromise. All the parties involved agree that on January 1, 2022, an intermediate solution between Quota 100 and 67 years will be needed.

How to quit your job in 2021 and retire

It seems undoubted, however, that the Draghi government is forced to examine the pension dossier in depth, also because with the sharp decline in growth in 2020 and the “stationary” GDP of the years preceding that of the pandemic crisis, the effect on pension was very deep and negative both for new retirees and for those who have already been retired for some years (the revaluation of the pension allowance has in fact stopped: read the article here). Here, however, you can get a picture of how to leave your job in 2021: all the roads that lead to retirement.

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