Easter Eggs: How to Color and Decorate Eggs Naturally | life & knowledge

by time news

Easter without self-colored and decorated Easter eggs on fresh branches? It’s not possible, is it?

So first of all buy eggs, cook or blow it out and then happily start tinkering. With natural paint, with pens, with an ink box, the photo printer. There are many possibilities for very different effects.

Here are some ideas for children and adults Easter egg makers.

Dye Easter eggs naturally

If you want the boiled eggs to have a uniform colour, you can use a sustainable, natural plant dye.

To do this, you prepare a hot brew in a pot of water and the plant substance and let the eggs bathe in it until the desired color intensity is reached. A quarter of an hour is usually enough.

They get a nice brown color in a bath with strong black tea or onion skins. Beetroot juice is suitable for red or pink. Turmeric turns eggs yellow, spinach green, and blueberries blue.

This is how patterns get on the eggs

If color alone is too boring for you, you can use a completely natural trick for conjuring up patterns. The upper layer of paint can be etched away a little with the acids found in vinegar and/or lemon juice.

So you take a cotton swab, dip it in vinegar or lemon juice and very slowly and carefully apply dots or fine lines to the eggs. Little by little, pretty ornaments are created.

The trick: the longer the acid stays in one place, the lighter it gets there. So wipe again at the right moment. Incidentally, the eggs always remain edible with this process.

If you want the eggs to shine, rub them thinly with cooking oil afterwards!

Super chic Easter idea: eggs with a photo print

If handling paint isn’t your thing. Here’s an idea for extra cute “souvenir photo eggs”!

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