Egypt News | Science and Technology / A Soviet document reveals the illness of American astronauts on the moon

by time news

A declassified Soviet document revealed that the crew of the Apollo 10 and Apollo 12 spacecraft suffered from health problems while on the surface of the moon. RT.

The “Izvestia” newspaper, which reviewed the aforementioned document, notes that before the launch of the moon landing mission in 1969, the American manned spacecraft “Apollo 10” conducted general exercises that lasted eight days. Its crew consisted of three astronauts: Thomas Stafford, John Young, and Eugene Cernan.

The aforementioned document includes what was stated in their communications with the ground centers in Houston. The head of the Soviet group that was tasked with capturing all communications of the spacecraft, including those on the surface of the moon, with ground stations confirmed the authenticity of this document..

According to the document, one of the astronauts appears to be suffering from health problems.

He says, “The coughing and sneezing have been going on for three days, and we need to do something about it. Gargle and everything will be fine. It’s irritation and itching.”“.

The same thing was experienced by the Apollo 12 crew after it landed on the moon in 1969.

It is noteworthy that the Apollo 12 mission, whose crew consisted of Charles Cunard, Richard Gordon and Alan Bean, lasted 10 days. According to the document.

Date: 2023-01-25

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