Egyptian President Condemns Israel’s Actions in Gaza during Meeting with US Secretary of State

by time news

Title: Egyptian President Criticizes Israel’s Actions in Gaza, Calls It Collective Punishment

Subtitle: Blinken and el-Sissi discuss humanitarian situation and assistance

Date: October 16, 2023

In a meeting on Sunday with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi criticized Israel’s actions in Gaza, stating that it had “exceeded” its right to self-defense and had turned into collective punishment. The meeting between Blinken and el-Sissi took place in Cairo and centered around the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

El-Sissi, whose country shares a narrow border with the Gaza Strip that has remained largely blocked over the past week, expressed concern over the humanitarian situation in Gaza. He stated that Israel’s reaction had gone beyond self-defense and had become collective punishment for the 2.3 million people living in Gaza. These remarks were reported by Egypt’s state-run media.

During the meeting, el-Sissi also made the false claim that Egypt never persecuted its now no longer existent Jewish minority. He stated that Jews in Egypt have never been subjected to oppression or targeting, contradicting historical evidence of Jewish persecution and the forced departure of the Jewish community, which numbered around 80,000 in the 1940s but has dwindled to fewer than 20 people today.

Blinken, who visited Israel before heading to several other countries in the region, including Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Egypt, held discussions surrounding the Israel-Gaza war. The US State Department readout of the meeting stated that both Blinken and el-Sissi emphasized the importance of addressing the humanitarian situation in Gaza and ensuring assistance reaches those in need.

The US has been focused on preventing the further spread of the conflict and facilitating the safe passage of American citizens and their family members from Gaza. However, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan revealed that the US has been unable to evacuate American citizens from Gaza through the Rafah crossing with Egypt, stating that it has been a high priority operation.

In response to the situation, Egypt announced plans to host a summit on the future of the Palestinian cause and held a national security council meeting to discuss the military escalation in Gaza. Egypt’s administration has been actively engaging in diplomatic efforts with allies and humanitarian groups to deescalate the conflict and facilitate the delivery of much-needed aid, which has been accumulating in Egypt awaiting entry into Gaza.

Israel has conducted an intense bombing campaign in response to Hamas attacks, resulting in a significant loss of life in Gaza. It has warned northern Gaza residents to flee to the south in anticipation of ground battles focused in and around Gaza City. The international community has called on Cairo to allow fleeing Palestinians to enter Egypt, but the government faces pressure to balance national security concerns and potential economic implications associated with resettlement.

Cairo’s national security council reiterated that Egypt’s national security is a red line and there will be no complacency in protecting it. The idea of temporarily settling refugees in Sinai, proposed by Israel’s former deputy foreign minister and ambassador to the US Danny Ayalon, has been met with strong rejection from Egypt.

The conflict in Gaza continues to unfold, with international actors seeking ways to address the humanitarian crisis and prevent further escalation. Efforts are underway to provide assistance to those in need and facilitate the safe passage of individuals affected by the conflict.

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