“El gegant del Pi” by Pau Vinyals wins the BBVA Theater Award

by time news

2023-10-31 17:19:21

Pau Vinyals, in a scene from Gegant del Pi in the Planeta room in Girona
ACN/Marina López

The work “The giant of the Pi“, of Pau Vinyalshas won the BBVA Theater Award 2023and “Viatge d’hivern”, by Magda Puyo, won the special mention for best direction, as announced on Monday by the Fundació Antigues Caixes Catalans, which awards the prize with the support of BBVA.

Among the 121 proposals presented, the jury has agreed to award “El gegant del Pi” “for being a proposal that breathes tenderness and versatility and, at the same time, risk and commitment.”

The performer of this monologue, Pau Vinyals, has received the special mention to the best interpretation because “he seduces the public from the first moment, with his absolute delivery”.

The Prize consists of a tour of Catalonia valued at 20,000 euros, which includes the program of the work awarded in the High Season Festival 2024.

The aim of the BBVA Theater Award is to support creation, encourage the theatrical profession and help spread the winning show.

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