Elephant escapes from the circus and causes chaos in the streets – 2024-04-19 00:27:58

by times news cr

2024-04-19 00:27:58

A quiet Tuesday turned into a movie scene in Butte, Montana, when an elephant named Viola, 58, escaped from the Jordan Wild circus and wandered through the streets of the city.

According to local press reports, the incident occurred when Viola was being prepared for her bath before the evening show.

Apparently, the sound of a vehicle scared the animal, leading it to embark on an unexpected urban adventure; adventure that, of course, absolutely no one expected.

Videos captured by residents and spread on social media show Viola walking as if nothing was happening on the road, approaching stopped vehicles and passers-by who couldn’t believe what they saw.

The circus keepers, alerted by calls from concerned citizens, acted quickly and managed to capture the elephant without anyone being injured.

However, it can be said that despite the initial scare, the elephant enjoyed a short ride before being returned to the circus.

Viola’s escape not only provided an unforgettable story for Butte residents, it also raised questions about the safety and well-being of animals in circuses.

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Although the incident ended without damage, many Internet users stressed the need to review measures for containment of large animals in public shows.

On the other hand, it is important to mention that, so far, the Jordan Wild circus has not issued an official statement about the incident, but it is expected that this event will lead to a deeper evaluation of circus practices.

Fortunately, this case will only remain as an anecdote (funny for some and not so much for others), since people do not go out expecting to find this enormous pachyderm.

Editorial of Cubans around the World

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