Eli Botner prepares for Menorah: “Whoever comes will be enough and as much as possible”

by time news

The past year was particularly fruitful for “Eli Butner and the Children of the Outsiders”. She started with ten consecutive sold-out shows at the Shuni Amphitheatre, continued with a concert tour all over the country, and soon they are expected to conquer another peak when they arrive at Menorah Mivathim Hall on April 2. His former partner Ran Denkar and Avri Lider are expected to be guests at the concert. In an interview with Maayan Adam on 103FM, Butner told about the big show. He spoke with Maayan Adam on her show on 103 FM, and told about his feelings before the performance.

What is planned at the concert? How does such a thing happen?
“This kind of thing happens because we’ve been together for 11 years. I formed this band, I was looking for singers who would sing my songs and that we could go to concerts. I didn’t know how it would be and how it would be received. When we signed for the first time for a year, we said – ‘After a year we will each split up From there we’ve been together for 11 years, and we’re really plowing the length and breadth of the country and recording songs. In the end we also reach Menorah, with very, very hard work.”

How do you sell 7000 tickets?
“The work is very, very hard. It’s people who work with us, it’s marketing people, it’s management, it’s hard work. I’m naturally a complete pessimist, at every show I say ‘who will come and enough and as much as possible’, and at the end I’m terribly excited that people come. Specifically in Menorah , after all, it is built in such a way that there is, say, an orchestra, which is the closest to the stage, then there is the hall and upstairs there are the exits. Now exits are usually those who did not have time to buy, and there are a lot of people who bought exits. It excites me because they do not give up on it , they insist on coming to see this show, and it’s a terribly festive show.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Noya Hasson 103fm

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