Elisabeth Ohlson: Her Truth, Love, and Art in the Face of Terminal Illness

by time news

Elisabeth Ohlson in “My truth”.

Photo: SVT

For some time now, the artist has had a relationship with Sveriges Radio’s Cecilia Uddén.


Elisabeth Ohlson has a long career behind her as an artist and was, among other things, behind the exhibition “Ecce homo” which caused a stir at the end of the 90s.

Last year she suffered from incurable stomach cancer. In the SVT program “Min sanning” she says that the doctors do not know when she will die – but that it will be soon.

She says she tries to enjoy life, but that some days are harder than others.

– Not a day must go by without love, that’s the motto. But it is clear that I have sad days, I can think about the children and cry quite a lot, she says.

The vessel for Uddén: Would age together

Her son Bruno graduates in two years and she says it is painful to know that she will not be there then.

For some time now, she has had a relationship with Sveriges Radio’s Middle East correspondent Cecilia Uddén.

– It is also very sad. We really felt like we were going to age together. It’s tough, but we try not to talk too much about it, but it’s mentioned almost every day, she says.

The illness and the knowledge of death make the love stronger than ever, she says.

“Love becomes very present”

– When I see a new born child, I can feel such love even though I don’t know who it is, a new life that is going forward in life. I can watch people further on the subway. Love becomes very present and I see the good in people, she says.

Right now, she is working on a final exhibition dealing with death, where she has photographed people in the final stages of life and after they have died. The only thing missing is a self-portrait she hopes to take in her own final stage. For the last time, she wants to be in a hospice.

– I want to have a trigger and be able to press a button and take a self-portrait right before it’s over, she says.

READ MORE: The artist Elisabeth Ohlson suffered from incurable cancer

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