Encuentro Glam dresses in blue to support the autism spectrum

by time news

2023-04-21 04:39:24

Glam Meeting 2023 – Courtesy

Fashion can also have social purposes and that is what the Glam Meeting demonstrates once again.

lapatilla.com | Katerin Garcia

We talked with those who this time are the sponsors of this cause, in which for the first edition of 2023, the autism spectrum and awareness about it will be highlighted.

Andreína Feo, president of Autism Dejando Huellas, told us that this center was created out of the need to provide a better quality of life and education to adults within the spectrum of said condition, which has three levels, of which the higher prevents these adults from communicating as is commonly done in society.

In Venezuela, this population is completely neglected, and that is why this project has already become the first center that opens its doors in the country dedicated exclusively to them. After four years working, very close to El Ávila, in Los Palos Grandes, Miranda state, they receive a comprehensive and individualized psycho-educational program, including certain activities that these people who currently make up a group of 70 people can possibly manage. not counting the team that works in the center.

Autism Leaving Footprints – Caracas – Katerín García – Lapatilla

Autismo Dejando Huellas, still has a project phase, which they hope to materialize soon, and that is to hope to open a residence where each student in the center has a place to live and is well cared for, when their parents are not in this world. In addition to expanding in the future, with the same conditions, in other parts of the country.

Feo also explained that despite the fact that there are already many tools in the world to diagnose autism at an early age, in the country, there is no data that contains precise data on how many people exist, much less how to be cared for, under the perspective of public health. It is more common knowledge, it is known, that out of every 36 births, one is on the autism spectrum, an average that is above Down syndrome.

“Each one is an experience, I cannot tell you that there is a pattern of how to treat them, but I can tell you that there are certain behaviors that they have that can give rise to an alert, therefore, no treatment is the same as the other (…) the only factor in common that they have is love, they are extremely understanding of each other”.

Autism Leaving Footprints – Caracas – Katerín García – Lapatilla

Before all this world, Alexandra Braum decided to support the cause through the well-known auction that is held annually in Caracas. There will be 25 artists who will accompany the ninth edition of the Glam Meeting, which will be at the Eurobuilding and with free admission, on May 6.

In the same way, there are 25 pieces, made by the artists that will go up for auction throughout the month of April.

For this edition, the piece was a puzzle, which symbolizes the autism spectrum, calling for awareness and inclusion.

“I had the opportunity to see the facilities of Autismo Leaving Footprints, in a casual visit and I was impressed by the work they have here, because I did not know of a place like this in Venezuela and I said, we are going to do Glam Meeting with this foundation, the piece of this year, he came with the foundation and it was very nice”, explained Braum.

In the event, as usual, there will be a bazaar, workshops and parades, giving way with this ninth edition to the tenth, which will be in November with the Senos Ayuda foundation.

Glam Meeting 2023 – Courtesy

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