End clap for the 20th board of SYNATEB!

by time news

2023-07-27 19:37:52


The National Union of Workers in Basic Education (SYNATEB) held its 20th council prior to the 20th congress. The closing ceremony of the said council took place on Thursday, July 27, 2023, in Ouagadougou.

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“This council represents an important moment in the life of our organization because firstly as a body, organizing this council makes it possible to remobilize our militants. This council also makes it possible to take stock of the situation with regard to the security context which has necessarily impacted the functioning of our union in order to prepare our congress which is planned by the end of 2023″, informed entry Bikienga Abdoul Karim, Deputy Secretary General of the National Union of Basic Education Workers (SYNATEB).

Like the other structures, SYNATEB is not immune to the precarious security conditions that Burkina Faso has been experiencing for a few years now, if we are aware that this crisis has led to the closure of a lot of public and private establishments.

Bikienga Abdoul Karim, Deputy Secretary General of SYNATEB

“You see that at the national level we are at more than 6000 closed educational structures. We have many basic education constituencies that are closed, and this leads de facto to the closure of our union sub-sections. The situation also makes it very difficult for our organizations and our power structures to come together. The situation has caused the assignment of our activists to other areas, so it has necessarily contributed to a destructuring at a certain level of our organization,” lamented the Deputy Secretary General of SYNATEB.

Aware of this erosion within their institution, this 20th council had all its meaning. Hence the theme “In a context of security crisis of high cost of living and questioning of democratic and union freedoms, what strategies for a revitalization of our union?” “. A theme as relevant to national news.

“We first set the scene on the context in which this 20th trade union council is being held, namely the international context marked by the deepening of the crisis of the imperialist capitalist system resulting in the various wars. After this international context, we approached the Burkinabè context with the context of aggravated security crises and the resurgence of coups d’etat. After that, we approached the life of SYNATEB by analyzing its strengths and weaknesses, in this context”, he indicated.

As a reminder, SYNATEB is a trade union which was born on May 28, 1995. It is represented in the 13 regions through regional coordinations, and is represented in the 45 provinces, through union sexions.

Sié Frédéric KAMBOU

Burkina 24



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