establishment of a committee to allow “better integration of parenthood”

by time news

The Vendée Globe wants to reflect on the integration of maternity for its event. LOIC VENANCE / AFP

The Minister of Sports announced on Monday to strengthen support for women in professional sport as well as the establishment of a committee by the Vendée Globe to integrate parenthood into the event.

This Monday, Amélie Oudéa Castéra, the Minister of Sports, announced that new aid would be put in place allowing mums but also dads to combine their life as professional sportsmen with that of parents. An announcement that echoes the controversy around Clarisse Cremer.

The French sailor will not be at the start of the 2024 edition after her team, “People’s Bank“, is decided to leave her on the side following her pregnancy, which occurred in 2022. In shock, Clarisse Cremer displayed her incomprehension and her disappointment following this decision by claiming to be “shocked».

In reaction to this affair, Amélie Oudéa Castera therefore announced that the Vendée Globe had set up a committee responsible for proposing solutions to better integrate parenthood on the Vendée Globe from the 2028 edition.

With the professionalization of women’s sport, more and more women have to go through one or more pregnancies while exercising their profession. To support them, the Minister of Sports announced the introduction of six new aids:

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