Even if I change the channel, Yehuda Levy is still there

by time news

In recent times Yehuda Levy can be seen everywhere. In Kan 11 he stars in the main role as a single father in “East Side”, in Besket 12 he is married to Rotem Sela and wishes for a child together, and recently it was announced that he was chosen to host the upcoming season of the Race to a Million. Even in the gossip sections his name appears at least once or twice a week, with news about his ex-wife or about a seemingly shiny new relationship.

Are there no other players who deserve a chance to prove their talent?

Don’t get me wrong. Yehuda Levy is an excellent actor in my opinion. He manages to step into the shoes of a dubious real estate dealer and a moment later become a sensitive partner who dreams of fatherhood, a second after he finished being ultra-Orthodox in the “Fire Dance”. Not by grace, he accepts role after role and wins awards, but the question still arises, aren’t there other actors who deserve a chance to prove their talent?

Yehuda Levy in “East Side” Photo: screenshot

The same actors in each series, with a slightly different plot

Yehuda Levy has been on our screens for two decades. We grew up with him from “The Champion” through “A very important man” to the series today. Isn’t it time we had a new Yehuda Levy? I have no doubt that the acting schools are full of wonderful players who just want a chance to break through, and in their place the same player is chosen time and time again. And it’s not just Levy, Rotem Sela also occupies our screen between two and three times a week, with a role in one show and hosting in another. In almost every series we get to see the exact same actors, with a slightly different plot. In a world where the variety of options is so great, and there is an abundance of movies and series, it’s hard for me to understand why actors forget to diversify.

Even if I change the channel, Yehuda Levy is still there

When I sit down after a long day at work and just want to watch a good series, I turn on the TV and see Yehuda Levy. Even if I choose to move a channel, it is still there, and also in the next channel, and there is a situation in the one after that as well. Levy has his talent, and he deserves to succeed. But this success should not come at the expense of other players who are missed, and certainly not at the expense of the culture we consume. We deserve to see more actors on screen, we deserve diversity.

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