Experts reveal a military method that enables you to sleep deeply in just two minutes • Al Marsad Newspaper

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Al-Marsad newspaper: Experts have revealed a sleep method known as the “military method”, which is a two-minute routine devised by the US Naval College to help pilots sleep. According to Al-Arabiya, a report published by Inc mentioned this method in the following points:

1. Full face relaxation: Close eyes while breathing slowly and deeply. Then all the facial muscles are slowly relaxed, starting from the forehead muscles, through the jaws and cheeks, then the mouth and tongue.

2. Relaxing the shoulder and arms: After getting rid of any tension and relaxing the muscles of the face and neck, it begins to feel as if the person is sinking into the seat or bed. Then starting at the upper part of his right arm, he slowly relaxes his biceps, forearms, and hands. And repeat the same steps on the left side. Take into account the continuation of breathing slowly and deeply.

3. Chest relaxation: This is easily achieved with slow, deep exhalations and inhales.

4. Relaxing the legs: starting with the right thigh, then the calf and ankle, all the way to the foot and its toes. Then do the same with the left leg.

5. Calm the mind: It’s hard not to think about anything, but sticking to a routine every night will pay off.

The thinking technique can be used with a relaxing image in the mind, such as imagining oneself lying comfortably in the dark. In the event that it did not work, the phrase “don’t think” can be repeated for 10 seconds.

Finally, it must be kept in mind that practicing with discipline is the key to achieving success, and that getting good sleep is the main driver for achieving better professional and personal performance.

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