Extended truce in Gaza, opening of COP28 and death of Henry Kissinger

by time news

2023-11-30 08:59:19

Did you miss the news this morning? We have put together a summary to help you see things more clearly.

For at least a seventh day, the guns will continue to remain silent in Gaza. The truce between Israel and Hamas was extended at the last minute this Thursday, to allow mediators to continue to negotiate new releases of hostages, both camps announced. A few minutes before the expiration of the agreement, scheduled for 5 a.m. GMT (6 a.m. Paris), the Israeli army announced the news. Information subsequently confirmed by Hamas, then by Qatar. To try to obtain more, American Secretary of State Antony Blinken also arrived shortly after midnight in Israel, where he is to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, before going to the occupied West Bank.

The world will once again try to unite to fight climate change. This Thursday, the 28th United Nations conference on climate change, better known by its acronym COP28, opens in Dubai, at the edge of the desert. According to the head of the UN Climate, Simon Stiell, “this is the most important COP since Paris”. He regrets that the world is moving forward “today with small steps, while we are expecting giant steps. » The participants therefore have two weeks to reach an agreement while the stakes are dizzying at the end of a year of overheating weather.

He was a key player in the Cold War. Henry Kissinger, controversial giant of American diplomacy and secretary of state under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, died Wednesday at the age of 100. Initiating rapprochement with Moscow and Beijing in the 1970s, Henry Kissinger saw his image tarnished by dark pages in the history of the United States, such as support for the 1973 coup in Chile or the invasion of Timor Eastern in 1975 and, of course, the Vietnam War. It is his sense of “realpolitik”, of the cold calculation of national interests defended by power, which has made him a highly criticized figure around the world. Fascinating his audiences with his longevity and his vast experience, this Nobel Peace Prize winner was admired by some as a great sage, hated by others who saw him as a war criminal.

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