Extreme Cold in Sweden: Båtsjaur Village Records -49.5 Degrees, “Healthy” Says Resident

by time news

The Arctic weather has a tight grip on large parts of Sweden, with temperatures dropping to extreme lows. In the village of Båtsjaur, outside Arjeplog, resident Simon Hansson Lundmark woke up to a bone-chilling temperature of minus 49.5 degrees on Wednesday morning. “It’s healthy, it is. But if you dress well, there are no problems at all,” he said in response to the frigid weather.

According to Simon, the lack of wind made the temperature bearable as long as they dressed warmly. However, when they checked the thermometer’s memory, it only showed the letters “LL,” indicating that it may have been too cold for the device to measure the temperature accurately.

Despite the extreme cold, Simon and his family have not experienced any issues with frozen water, power cuts, or cars that won’t start. While the official measurements from the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) showed temperatures as low as minus 43.6 degrees in the town of Kvikkjokk, none of their official measuring stations have recorded temperatures as cold as minus 49.5.

The extreme cold has become a topic of conversation, making world news headlines and sparking discussions about the impact of such harsh weather. In other parts of the country, residents are being urged to stay indoors and take precautions to stay warm and safe during this cold snap.

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