Fausto Murillo was dismissed and censured in the National Assembly – 2024-03-26 08:46:12

by times news cr

2024-03-26 08:46:12

The Correista bench of the Citizen Revolution (RC) and the Social Christian Party (PSC), with the votes of the official National Democratic Action bench (ADN) and some independents, dismissed, today, February 29, 2024, Fausto Murillo, member of the Judicial Council (CJ). He was charged with alleged breach of duty.

The motion of censure and dismissal against the CJ official raised by the PSC bench, represented by the speaker Carlos Vera Mora, had the support of 102 votes in a plenary session chaired by Viviana Veloz (Citizen Revolution).

Article 85 of the Organic Law of the Legislative Function (LOFL) provides that 92 votes will be needed for removal.

The PSC motion that included sending the investigation file to the Prosecutor’s Office and the State Comptroller General’s Office (CGE) did not have the support of the Construye movements and the Patriotic Society Party (PSP).


The Assembly’s decision came one day after Viviana Veloz suspended the debate, in which the ruling party had shown its willingness not to dismiss Murillo, but to censure former member Juan José Morillo.

The resolution of the plenary session of the Legislature also occurred after a surprising resignation from his membership of Elcy Celi.

In the debate on February 28, Murillo hinted that behind his leadership would be the PSC and Correismo, trying to co-opt the CJ, which carries out evaluation processes, selection of authorities, and disciplinary regime. The objective, as he said, would be to outline a road map of impunity.

Murillo was accused of alleged non-compliance and arrogation of functions while he held the position of president of the Judicial Council. However, Murillo assured that the arrogation of functions is not grounds for impeachment.

Top-level shortlist

According to Vicente Taiano, of the Social Christian Party, the new scenario is the opportunity to propose a shortlist “of the highest level”, with people who have no relationship or dependence on political parties.

Finally, the ‘play’ paid off. There were 102 assembly members who voted in favor of the motion of censure for Morillo and the censure and dismissal of Fausto Murillo.

The Correista and Social-Christian bench was joined by the ruling National Democratic Action (ADN) and even some independents. There were cries of euphoria, hugs and excitement among the PSC assembly members who jumped holding hands and the Correism that, after their reforms to the Penal Code were not approved, this was taken as a triumph. (YO)

By: Ecuador 221

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