Five habits of women with smooth, young skin

by time news

Good genes, you have to be born with that. But you can learn good habits. These are the five healthy habits that people with radiant, even and young skin adhere to.

5. Use the right products

Some people think it’s nonsense, but your skin really benefits from using the right day and night cream. Dry skin can also benefit from an extra serum or mask. Consult a professional, such as a dermatologist or beautician. Costs a bit, but this can really make a difference. Also make sure you have a good make-up remover, that’s half the battle.

4. Eat healthy

You radiate healthy food! Not only does your weight remain easier with healthy food, your skin also radiates it. And diets full of sugar and fast food can result in red skin with pimples more quickly. Of course it doesn’t matter once in a while, but people with a diet full of vegetables, fish, nuts and antioxidants often have more beautiful skin than people who often eat unhealthy food.

3. De-stress

Stress is one of the biggest factors in rapidly aging skin. Your body also produces cortisol when you are stressed. This gives you subcutaneous inflammation with the result: those painful subcutaneous pustules. It also makes your skin sensitive and vulnerable. Eventually you get a gray and sensitive skin and wrinkles faster.

2. Sleep

Enough sleep is very important for our skin. In our sleep, our skin can repair itself and make new skin. If you miss sleep, your skin cannot recover sufficiently, with all the consequences that entails.

1. Sun protection

We keep saying it: sunscreen is very important! Even on days when there is not much sun, a day cream with a factor is also wise. Even though you may not burn (quickly), in the long run you will get wrinkles, pigmentation spots or skin cancer faster.

Source: Things for Women, HLN | Image: iStock

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