Floods hit Brazil, landslide kills 30

by time news

There are 32,000 families living in high-risk areas.


It has been raining heavily in the northeastern part of Brazil for the past few days. This has caused landslides in many places

A landslide caused by heavy rains on Saturday in the northeastern Brazilian state of Bernambuco has killed at least 28 people, officials say. More than 760 people fled their homes.

In another state, Alagovas, two people died after being swept away by river floods. About 32,000 families live in landslide and flood prone areas.

Schools have been opened in Recife for those who have lost their homes. In Alagoas, a state of emergency has been declared in 33 municipalities due to heavy rains over the past few days.

National Disaster Rescue Team and Army have been deployed to rescue flood and landslide victims.


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