Flu or COVID? New sensor knows in 10 seconds – Wel.nl

by time news

Do not you feel well? A new sensor can tell the difference between a case of the flu or COVID-19 in just 10 seconds. Researchers say it can distinguish between different virus strains and infections in about the time it takes to sneeze. The device also detects their presence at much lower levels and much faster than conventional tests.

Only one square centimeter in size, its key component is a tiny nanomaterial no thicker than an atom. Symptoms of both flu and COVID overlap significantly, making them difficult to distinguish, researchers explain.

If both viruses are circulating together, as they did earlier this winter, it would be immensely helpful to have a sensor that can simultaneously detect whether you have COVID, flu, neither of the above, or both,” says project leader Dr. Deji Akinwande in a press release.

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