Focus in Rabat on the mental health and psychosocial support of migrants

by time news
The theme of the rights to mental health, psychosocial support and living together for migrants was, on Wednesday in Rabat, on the menu of the second edition of the regional winter school of the National School of Public Health (ENSP ).

Organized in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and in coordination with the Directorate of Epidemiology and Disease Control, under the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, this initiative aims to strengthen access to care and support for migrant populations as part of the generalization of universal health coverage in the MENA region.

Held from March 14 to 16, this edition aims to take stock of sexual and reproductive health, mental health and psychosocial support, social protection, health coverage and the principle of living together for migrants.

A total of 50 participants from Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Sudan exchanged on good practices in the care of migrant populations and analyzed the impact of COVID- 19 on mental health and sexual and reproductive health of migrants in the region.

Highlighting the universality of the migration issue, the director of the ENSP, Hassan Chrifi, highlighted the efforts undertaken by Morocco in this area, particularly through the national immigration and asylum strategy, which is part of the continuity of the structuring measures initiated by the Kingdom since September 2013. And to underline, in a declaration to M24, the continuous information channel of the MAP, that the Ministry of Health and Social Protection has drawn up two strategic plans 2017-2021 and 2021-2025, the aim of which is to improve migrants’ access to healthcare services.

Indeed, the ministry has developed the National Health and Immigration Strategic Plan (2021-2025), which is the reference framework for all actors involved in improving migrants’ access to health promotion services. and medical care in respect of human rights and in conditions of equality and equity, and this with the support of its national and international partners, including the international organization for migration.

This winter school is organized as part of an IOM project aimed at including migrants in the health system in six countries of the MENA region: Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Sudan, a says Maria Luciana Ceretti, health and migration coordinator at IOM-Morocco.

During this event, the focus is on sexual and reproductive health, mental health and migrants’ access to universal health coverage, she said at the microphone of M24, highlighting the importance of this appointment in the practical exchange between the countries of the region.

In addition, Ms. Ceretti welcomed the commitment and interest given by the Moroccan government, in particular the Ministry of Health and Social Protection to this type of event and to the ENSP which has integrated the issue of migration. in his study program.

Participants from the six countries will thus have the opportunity to create a network including the various actors involved in the health of migrants in the MENA region, to formulate recommendations for the integration of migrants into universal health coverage, and, finally, to capitalize on the experiences of all the partner countries of the project for the integration of migrant populations into the health system.

This 2nd edition of the winter school takes place in the presence of about 50 people including academics and researchers, students, institutional actors, social workers, representatives of international organizations and civil society.

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