Follow Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin live on France-Soir!

by time news

2024-02-08 21:18:27

VP : You know, the brain is divided into two hemispheres! We are going through a period of deep evil.

TC : The world is divided into two…

01 : 17

VP : I’m not going to dwell on the subject. In the propaganda war, the USA is the best. The United States controls almost all major media in the West.

TC : Do you have proof of this?

VP : Not you personally but the CIA.

TC (ironic) : Sorry, but that day I had an appointment.


TC : Who sabotaged Nord Stream?

01 : 11

VP : You have problems with your debt, immigration, don’t you Americans have anything else to do than come and fight war in Ukraine? So stop sending weapons!

VP : On the ground in Ukraine, we find American mercenaries, Polish mercenaries, Georgians.

01 : 08

VP : We have no interest in Poland. Why would we attack it?

TC : Is there a situation in which you would attack Poland?

01 : 05

VP : We have contacts through various agencies.

TC : But why don’t you call Joe Biden directly?

VP : Oh no! I don’t remember everything!

TC : You don’t remember that?!!!

VP : I do not remember.

TC : When was the last time you spoke to Joe Biden?

01 : 00

VP : We must also complete the denazification of the territory. Put an end to this ideology.

TC : Would you be satisfied if you kept the regions you now control?

VP : Yes, we want to eradicate all neo-Nazi groups from Ukrainian territory. People who chose as references people who collaborated with the Germans. Who murdered Poles, Jews, Russians…

00 : 52

VP : It was Ukraine that started the war in 2014. Not us in 2022.

VP : We have never agreed that Ukraine should join NATO.

VP : speaks of the Maidan revolution as a CIA-backed coup. For him, this is the beginning of rising tensions. The Ukrainians began to bomb Donetsk.

00 : 45

VP : (about Ukraine) We are ready to talk. But discuss with whom?

VP : Yes, but I’m not going to tell everything.

TC : You talked about two situations in which the decisions of an American president were not carried out by the agencies…

FS Comment: This start of the interview is very similar to the one conducted by Oliver Stone…

TC : Do you think the CIA wanted to sideline you?

VP : In a meeting with Bill Clinton, I asked him: “If Russia asked to join NATO, what would your answer be? He told me: “I think I would say yes.” Later, the same One day, at dinner time, he told me exactly the opposite…

00 : 30

VP : The West has much less of China than of Russia. It is a country with almost 1.5 billion inhabitants. And it’s the largest economy in the world now. But let’s not ask ourselves the question of who is afraid of whom.

00 : 25

VP : I want you to hear this as an American. Soviet power is partly responsible for the fall of the USSR. He agreed to collaborate with the great collective of the West.

00 : 22

VP : Never. We never talked about this.

TC : Did you tell Viktor Orban that he could claim part of Ukraine.


VP : Ukraine is an artificial state

FS Comment: In the first 10 minutes, VP presented the history of Russia and the Russian territories until the revolution of 1917. A useful reminder so that everyone can understand this very important history.

VP : To prove to you that I am not inventing anything (VP offers TC historical documents, letters, to prove his statements).

VP : The oppression of Poland in the 13th century.

Tucker Carlson (TC) : What era are we talking about?

Vladimir Poutine (VP) traces the history of Russia since the 10th century, evokes the main dates of the unification of the State, from Lithuania to Poland, its influence on Russian territory.

00.00: Start of the interview.

MONDE – France-Soir will follow live this night the broadcast of the interview with Vladimir Putin by the American journalist Tucker Carlson, who went to meet the Russian president in Moscow. This should be broadcast from midnight French time (6 p.m. on the east coast of the United States), on the Tucker Carlson website and on X. This interview should last between approximately 90 and 105 minutes. We will relay the highlights on our site and our X account (formerly Twitter). A French-translated version of this interview, already historic (it is the first time, since the start of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, that President Putin will speak on a Western media) will be available tomorrow on our site.

According to some indiscretions by Tucker Carlson’s production team, the Kremlin would not have made any special request (submission in advance of questions, right to review the editing of the document). And, still according to sources close to the American journalist, we should know the Russian version of the episode of the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines which has caused so much ink to flow and caused many bubbles on the surface of the Baltic!

Tucker Carlson en bref :

Born in 1969 in San Francisco, Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson was born to a father who was a former United States ambassador and media executive. His mother Lisa McNear, an artist, left her family when Tucker Carlson was still a child. He was subsequently adopted by Patricia Swanson, heiress to the Swanson food brand, his father’s second wife.

After starting his career in the conservative weekly The Weekly Standard, Tucker Carlson worked for CNN (2000-2005) then MSNBC (2005-2008), where he hosted current affairs shows. He arrived on Fox News in 2009. From 2016, he daily presented Tucker Carlson Tonight, a one-hour show which earned him international notoriety. His influence is very great in American conservative circles. Surprisingly, the Fox News channel announced at the end of April 2023 that it was parting ways with its most popular host. It’s bad for him: his audiences are plummeting. In June 2023, Tucker Carlson launches his own program on the social network Twitter, a shortened format of his former show.

According to his statements, Carlson, a staunch defender of free speech, worked for months to obtain an exclusive interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Some already see a first-rate political future in him: we are talking about him as a possible running mate for Donald Trump or as the next spokesperson for the White House, if the former Republican president is re-elected in November 2024.

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