Football: Wendie Renard operated on and away from the field for “a few weeks”

by time news

2023-12-27 22:01:33

It’s a small blow for Olympique Lyonnais and, potentially, for the French team. Injured during the last match of 2023 in Fleury, in D1 Arkema, Lyon captain Wendie Renard will be away from the field for “a few weeks”, announced the Rhone club in a press release.

Without further details on her duration of unavailability, nor on the nature of said injury, OL explains that her player “underwent surgery” this Wednesday and “will unfortunately be away from the field for a few weeks”. “Olympique Lyonnais wishes Wendie a speedy recovery and will support her throughout her rehabilitation period on the pitch,” the press release concludes.

It remains to be seen how long the Lyonnaises and Bleues captain (155 caps, 37 goals) will be away from the field. OL have five matches to play in January, starting with a shock in D1 against Paris FC, their current runner-up in the league, on January 10, and in the Champions League against SKN Sankt Pölten on the 25th.

Above all, in the medium term, the France team has a crucial match to play on February 23: the semi-final of the League of Nations against Germany, in Lyon. A match that Hervé Renard and his players will inevitably approach better with their captain in great shape.

#Football #Wendie #Renard #operated #field #weeks

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